On May 30, we noticed that BNX may have unlocking problems, so we conservatively bought it directly without referring to the support at that time. Unexpectedly, it still went up directly this time.

Missed a chance to make a 15% profit. The current price has touched the daily resistance level of 1.1485 in the short term. If it cannot break through in the short term, you can refer to buying when it falls back. If it breaks through this position and stands firm, then this area will become an effective support.

At present, the market value of BNX is about 400 million, and there is still 20% space from my expected market value of 500 million.

Friends who are familiar with me know that I started to call for BNX from February to March this year. I have called for it many times in the middle (there are records that you can check them yourself), and most of the principal has been sold near 1 dollar. But now, BNX still has great potential. At the critical moment, it really follows the rise and not the fall. Again, let's look at the market value of 500 million first.