In the rapid rise of #NOT , it seems that many people have missed this opportunity.

Few people could have foreseen its amazing explosive power, let alone its feat of soaring to billions in market value.

Today, although its value is still high, there are still very few investors who dare to chase it.

As for me, I am also hesitant in the face of NOT's trend, because its dynamics are indeed elusive. In contrast, I prefer TON, which I understand more thoroughly.

So, how many investors have joined TON? Although TON's price has repeatedly broken new highs, I still feel that there are not many real followers.

After all, TON's market value is close to 18 billion, ranking among the top ten in the world, which may be a benchmark that is difficult for many investors to easily reach.

However, it is worth mentioning that TON has the strong support of 900 million users of Telegram and an ecosystem that is fully integrated into the APP, which gives it a relatively stable characteristic, making investors feel more at ease.

The charm of TON lies in its stability. Since it started to rise steadily from the price of $3, there has been almost no significant decline.

The cornerstone of this stability is provided by Telegram's huge user base and complete in-APP ecosystem. This makes investors believe that TON is unlikely to fall sharply even when the market is turbulent.

As for how much TON's increase can reach, this is indeed a question that is difficult to accurately predict.

But I can say with certainty that for the future of TON, we may really need greater imagination.

Although NOT has opened up a new world of 2 billion for the market value space of "TON Ecological Coin", TON's potential is still unfathomable.

This is not only due to the uniqueness of the TON ecosystem, but also to the endless possibilities and opportunities it contains. For investors who truly understand the value of TON, this is undoubtedly a future star worth holding for a long time.