Survival rules in the cryptocurrency circle: How to avoid becoming a leek

1. Don't dream of getting rich overnight, and keep your feet on the ground.

2. At the beginning, try to trade in small amounts multiple times, and don't invest too much at one time.

3. Don't easily believe those "experts" or "bloggers", no matter how much money they make, they will not really lead you.

4. Contract trading? Don't touch it, this is advice!

5. Don't rush to sell the coins you bought on the exchange, give it some time to grow. If you can't wait, you can consider testing the waters in the primary market.

6. Remember, every penny you make in the cryptocurrency circle is lost by others.

7. If you use spare money to invest, you are already ahead of most people.

8. Those coins that have fallen by more than dozens of times are basically worthless, don't touch them. But if the decline is about 10 times, you can consider buying some, and there is a high probability that you can make it back in the next bull market.

9. If you just want to earn several times steadily, then choose big currencies such as BTC, ETH, and BNB, and don't look at other currencies.

10. Want a hundred or a thousand times return? Then you have to study this coin in depth, buy it in batches and hold it for a long time. Without a big picture, it is difficult to make a lot of money in the currency circle.

11. No matter how much money the currency circle seems to make, don't forget your job. Once you give up your job, the days of losing money are not far away.

12. Choose the right direction and get twice the result with half the effort. The opportunities in the currency circle are fleeting. If you are confused here and don't know what to do, I suggest you follow me

The above are all my experiences in the currency circle for many years. I hope it will be helpful to you.

