@Everyone 6.7 Week 5 BTC ETH trend analysis and operation suggestions,

Currently, Bitcoin 71260 and Ethereum 3818. Yesterday, the oscillation range here was obviously expanding. Bulls should start to pay attention to risks. The blogger still believes that the risk above 7w is greater than the benefit. It is okay to operate in the short term, but it is not suitable for long-term layout and operation! So the second phase of the plan has not been launched, and we need to wait! Then the current trend of Bitcoin weekly spot continues to wait for our selling point. For the rest of the operation, we still have to follow the old rules of watching more and moving less. The annual income we make is not one or two days! And when the trend of Bitcoin indicator is about to go to the acceleration of divergence, the short position must be swept before there is a decline. The serious short squeeze trend is followed by a short explosion and then a downward exploration! Then the small negative line on the daily line yesterday, a wave of inducement to short today, and it will continue to oscillate upward. Bitcoin is here to continue to attract shorts to increase their bets. Those who want to short just need to wait for the shorts to leave before entering! And the daily line is also in the stage of accelerated divergence. The specific pressure level and operation position are all drawn in the picture for everyone! The pressure level of Bitcoin is 72500 74100, and the support level is 70200 68500.

Then for Ethereum, it will continue to fluctuate above one-third of the rise. It is also our previous prediction that it will fall in the future. After accelerating, it will sweep away the shorts again before there will be a large-scale correction. It is only June here. It will take until July or early July to make a big correction in October! So everyone just wait patiently! The short-term pressure level of Ethereum is 3880 3960, and the support level is 3720 3650! After reading this, remember to click three times. Thank you everyone, Brother A will take off with everyone! #山寨季何时到来? #bnb历史新高 #BTC走势预测 #eth