@Everyone 6.26btc/eth trend analysis and operation suggestions,

The current price of Bitcoin is 60400 and Ethereum is 3345. Bitcoin's operation yesterday was very good. Basically, it was a continuous decline with a sharp drop, with a drop of up to 5000 points! Our previous plan was to make a layout below 60,000, which was basically in line with the plan, but this wave of decline was so fierce that we did not expect it! As a result, we have a retracement. Brother A expected a small and slow retracement before, and then make a bottom! Here, our focus for subsequent operations is on the two positions of 58000 and 56000, because the strong support of the weekly and daily lines is here, and the small coins also have certain signs of stopping the decline! So we don't have to rush! If you have received the previous pending orders, you can take them! At present, the daily line has been considered a pin-point bottoming out. Whether it can be stabilized still needs to pay attention to the US stock market and the weekly closing position! The short-term pressure level of Bitcoin is 61200 62100, and the support level is 58500 57000

Then Ethereum was obviously not falling last night, and small coins also showed some strength, especially the orders of blogger Sol were successfully washed out by the dog dealer. Bitcoin has perfectly washed out many people! The plunge is an opportunity, so we should buy it! The second phase plan will be adjusted and sent to everyone at the same time! Just do it! Then we still have to prevent risks! That is, Ethereum fell below 3150 and Bitcoin fell below 56000! So it is recommended to position 6 or 7, and for contract players, don’t go short below 60,000! ! ! Once the expectation of interest rate cut comes, it will be very fierce! The short-term pressure level of Ethereum is 3366 3428 3505, and the support level is 3250 3160#币安HODLer空投 #美国PCE数据将公布 #BTC走势预测 #ETH大涨