What is the significance and value of Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is still in its early stages. Although it has been rumored to be the world currency, some people say that it is too volatile and is doomed to not become a currency. Others say that it is hype, that it is a pyramid scheme, and that it is x money.

From a one-sided point of view, they are all right. Bitcoin has indeed been applied in these fields, hyped, and exploited on its way to development.

But I want to tell you a huge truth. The reason why Bitcoin is used in various ways is that it has to be used in this way.

It is on the road to development, it needs more audiences, so as a payment technology and payment tool.

It can only choose to compromise temporarily.

Just like you, for example, you are gifted, but you have no background at all, how do you make the first pot of gold? Don't you do something gray?

Don't you do something shameful? This is called no choice, temporarily compromise with morality.

Survival and development are the first needs of all things, but morality is not.

So the big pie was rumored and exploited in the early days, which was a compromise for its own development in the future, and it was also a helpless way.

Through some extremely absurd methods, let people know about Bitcoin, let a few people make money, and then drive many people.

These few people who make money must be extremely wealthy. Only then can they attract more people to join.

After several years of development, Bitcoin computing power has become stronger and stronger, and the network has become more and more perfect. Bitcoin prices are also getting higher and higher.

The value used for storage is also becoming more and more obvious.

In the early stage, some technical geeks played with it. In the later stage, it was the leeks attracted by the price, and then the institutions, and then the countries. And then the world. It has developed step by step like this.

Many people say that Bitcoin has no value and is a bubble of nothingness. Then I can refute you with a real example.

You were born in a middle-class family in Ukraine. There was a war in your country, your house was destroyed, and your country's currency was worthless. Your food, your property, and your savings, you can't take them away because of the war. You must escape before 12 o'clock tomorrow night. At this time, you find that you still have 100 Bitcoins, which are stored on a software called decentralized.

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You ran all the way with the goods, and finally escaped to a safe place. You first did a part-time job, then earned some money, bought a Xiaomi mobile phone, and then you downloaded a wallet, and then you took out a big cake and exchanged it for U on the decentralized exchange, and then you used these U to exchange for some US dollars or other currencies, and then you survived in this place with 100 big cakes and protected your family.

You have food to eat and money to spend. From then on, you understand that you will not buy a house, nor will you buy other assets, nor will you ask for cash. You will only work hard, buy big cakes, and then wherever you go, you will carry your Xiaomi mobile phone. It will eventually become your heirloom. It has been passed down from generation to generation.

You are a second-generation, and a robber has taken a fancy to your family's assets and wants to occupy your family's fields, plunder your factory, and all your means of production. You must hand it over, or you will all be shot. At this time, because power can destroy you at any time, you must call out these things in order to survive.

From then on, you had nothing and wandered the streets with your family. You made up your mind and prepared to live in a stable place. You left your hometown for decades. Finally, you shed tears at night with a trace of sadness, feeling ashamed to face your ancestors. At this time, your father said that he would not leave, and he would stay on this land forever, but you couldn't, you had to leave.

Your father took out a piece of paper with dozens of densely packed English words written on it. Your father quietly told you that this was the mnemonic of the Bitcoin wallet, which contained 1,000 big cakes. You memorized it in your mind and burned it.

Finally, you were stranded in a foreign country. Relying on the mnemonic in your mind, the resources you quickly accumulated further revitalized your family. It was just that at this time you placed your family in a very stable and powerful country, and then you would continue to buy big cakes from time to time.

You know that the pie has protected you throughout your life. All the external things you have can be taken away, but the pie cannot.

I don't know if anyone understands what I mean after I've talked about these two cases. If you don't understand, read it twice and you will definitely understand.

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