Now I have 10,000 yuan of spare money, which coin should I buy?

It depends on whether you want to take a gamble or slowly increase steadily. If you slowly increase, then you can make more money, buy more Bitcoin, and wait for time.

If you want to take a gamble, then it's simple. LTC has been hyped recently, just go in, 100 in, 300 out, and then it becomes 30,000.

This year, the story of the second layer will begin to be told. OP and arb are getting attention. Buy them at 1 US dollar or 0.5 US dollars.

Don't sell them unless they double 5 times. Turn them out 5 times.

Then use U to participate in various arbitrage activities. As long as Bitcoin reaches 30,000 US dollars. Then the activities of various exchanges will gradually start.

You can do arbitrage. For example, if Binance activities come out, you can all-in BNB and make 3-4% and run away.

If OK activities come out, you can buy OKB and make 3-4% and run away.

When you complete the original accumulation, you will have about 100,000 yuan. At this time, you have to wait for a big opportunity.

Use the time machine rule, and go directly into the project with large traffic. At this time, the big cake must be above the 60-day moving average.

And the 60-day moving average is rising before you can start. Don't buy any coins when the market is sluggish.

And the most important thing is that you must have a strict plan for all this. Without a plan, you will not be able to take the opportunity when you wait for it to come suddenly, or you may not dare to take it at all. It depends on your courage. Is it to stop playing and pick up girls after making a big profit of 20,000?

Or to make 1 million and rush to 10 million to change your life class. This process is very hard, you must eliminate all distractions and concentrate. You can't miss any fund opportunities and any concepts. For example, the initial investment of 10-100 yuan in Shuzang, go for it. Go wherever there is money.

In the bull market, you don't have to think about a hundred times or a thousand times, there is a stable way to make money.

That is to buy all the coins from mainstream exchanges, which will basically be more than 10 times, and then you will basically reach 1 million after all this.

Once you have seen the magic of the cryptocurrency circle, you will never leave, and you will form a series of positive feedback and study this matter more diligently.

A high-quality circle can go further by obtaining information and get the latest market analysis. I will take you ashore and enter 👗Wealthbeauty1114

But don't do leverage. After you have 1 million, you can slowly mortgage your U in the bull market to borrow some Bitcoin and ETH. Sell a little every day. For example, Bitcoin will reach 1.5 million or 2 million in the next bull market.

You can mortgage your U and borrow Bitcoin every day to sell. This process is estimated to last for 3 months. Then use U to buy Bitcoin back and pay it back. Your 1 million is estimated to become 1.2 million. Then put all the U in your hands and participate in activities. Don't be impulsive at this time and don't do any projects.

Go on a trip and empty yourself. After you come back, if you see that the Bitcoin price has fallen into a straight line in half a year, buy 33% Bitcoin, 33% ETH, and 33% U. Then participate in uni liquidity, or put 4swap. You can also make more money.

In the next cycle, Bitcoin has reached a normal price of about 1 million from the bear market price, and you can start the previous step again.

To do this, you need very strong planning and execution.

I wish you success

#热们话题 #6月份热门板块

If you are not good at screening strong coins, I suggest you follow me. Especially in the spot market, a little action may bring unexpected gains. Opportunities are fleeting and must be seized! Success does not rely solely on luck. Wise choices are more important than hard work. The circle you are in also determines your destiny. In the currency circle, in addition to having keen insight, you must also keep up with excellent teams and outstanding leaders. Follow me, and you will be halfway successful in the currency circle!