Today's funds: 6380 U, 2024.6.5

It rained yesterday, and I have a slight cold today. My mental state has been really bad recently. I either break up or have a cold. The quality of my spirit can really affect the success or failure of a transaction.

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming again. I remembered myself during the Dragon Boat Festival that year. At that time, I really had no money to eat. For more than ten days, I lived on a dozen zongzi brought from my hometown. I ate two meals a day with one zongzi, and took a few bites at each meal. Can you imagine that there are more than 2,000 people in my mobile phone address book and WeChat friends. I am so hungry that I can hardly borrow 50 yuan for food.

So every Dragon Boat Festival, I am afraid that I will be back to zero again, with no money left. I really should go back and read the diary I wrote last year. Now I seem to have forgotten my original intention. 1U should be thought of as hard-earned, not to mention that I have not yet accomplished my great cause. But now I still have 20,000 U in total funds, which is really happy.

The FTM of the contract has recovered a bit. If BTC rises to a new high, my FTM should be able to get out of the trap. The main reason is that my FTM position is too heavy. I don’t expect to make any money. I will sell it when I can get back the capital. I also set a stop loss. If the market falls, I will sell it when the stop loss is triggered. I am more optimistic about uni. I switched from the contract to U and bought uni with a small position. I also feel that the risk of contract is high and the profit is small. It is really not worth it to do contract. I don’t want to open a heavy position in the contract again. My Rune DOG plus a Rune Stone is now worth 10,000 U. The spot is stable. Isn’t it better than the contract?

The pizza of the inscription is already 3U over the counter. In the next two days, 78 wallets will be airdropped to me, and I will get thousands of U. I have been thinking about whether to rush for pizza in the past two days, but I still can’t make up my mind after weighing the pros and cons. I am afraid of being poor and timid with less capital. I am more optimistic about runes, but I don’t dare to rush with all my strength. I hope that the FTM of the contract can be untied quickly so that I can take a chance.

Students, what do you predict will be the next hot concept?