
Disk analysis————#FLOKIUSDT📈

Several risk points:

1. Medium and long term:. As a lesson from history, strong cottages will have a deep retracement after breaking through the previous high of the daily line. Its essence comes from the core of this round of bull market: "no takeover"

2. Short term: At 3 pm on the 1-hour level, a long upper shadow and a small real body Yang line was played, but the trading volume did not expand, and the supply did not have the upper hand. It is expected to fluctuate at 0.32-0.34 to digest the supply and wait for MA21 to move up and then retrace to complete the confirmation of new demand

In summary, it is recommended to enter the market around 0.31-0.32, with a good profit and loss ratio, and the stop loss is set at around 0.29