June 5 Macroeconomic data forecast interpretation: 2. US S&P Global Services PMI final value in May. Attention ★★★

US S&P Global Services PMI final value in May, this data is an indicator to measure the changes in the business environment of the US service industry in a specified month. The index is usually interpreted as a forward-looking indicator of service industry activity and inflation index.

The service industry accounts for 70% of US GDP. Frequent service industry activities may lead to increased service industry consumption and increased inflationary pressure.

Data influence: ★★

Data credibility: ★★

Release time: 21:45

Data: Previous value 54.8, expected 54.8, the market expects the final value of the service industry in May to be the same as last month.


The data is higher than or equal to the previous value, the US service industry continues to heat up or remain strong, which is not conducive to inflation control in May (services are only part of the inflation factor)

The data is lower than the expected value and the previous value, the US service industry cooled down in May, and the economic activity of the service industry decreased, which is conducive to inflation control.


The service industry is one of the important factors affecting US inflation. From the PCE in April, we can see that although the pressure of energy and commodity inflation has decreased, the pressure of the service industry is still high, resulting in the PCE in April still showing the pressure of inflation control. Therefore, if the service industry cools down, it will be more beneficial to inflation control and conducive to optimistic expectations of interest rate cuts.

However, if the data is lower than the previous expected value, it will also be unfavorable to the stock prices of US service companies in the short term.

At the same time, the value remains above the 50 prosperity value, proving that the US service industry is still in an expansionary state.


This value is currently only used for observation and recording. If it is positive, the risk market will bring more help to the rise. On the contrary, if it is negative, its impact can basically be ignored. At present, the focus of this week is still employment data. This value can only be used as a reference value for measuring May inflation data in the later period.

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