What are the true believers of BNB?

There are really not many true believers of BNB in ​​the circle. The number of people holding BNB may be less than 10%, but these 10% of people hold more than 80% of the total supply of BNB. Few of these 10% will show up because they are already financially free.

In the past, if you read articles in the square, maybe only 5 out of 50 articles are about BNB, and 2 of the 5 articles are scolding BNB. Now 20 out of 50 articles in Binance Square are about BNB, and these 20 articles are all bullish. Most of the articles are about how optimistic BNB is now. I want to ask what you were doing when BNB was pulled back and washed out before, didn’t you spray?

In the past, there were always many people who said that it is better to use BNB for trading than to mine BNB. Are these people who do trading still there?

Some people also said that when BNB was at 300 or 400 US dollars, they said that I asked everyone to take over at a high position. Looking back, is BNB at 300 or 400 a takeover?

Some people say it is better to do contracts, and they don't care about the two or three points of mining income of BNB in ​​a month. Are these people rich now?

Some people hold BNB for three days without rising, and sell it for five days without mining. Do these people still have BNB in ​​their hands?

I have never been blindly bullish on BNB, and I have not boasted about BNB all day long. No matter how much BNB rises now, I am not moved. On the contrary, I hope that BNB can fall more, because then we can buy more BNB. From beginning to end, I have only one sentence: "Hold BNB and let time accompany us to slowly become rich."

I am right, you are smart, and sooner or later you will understand that I am right.

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