I am going to be laughed to death by all the brothers in the currency circle

The last wave cycle halved and then fell back by 24%. If this wave is also the same, then $53,000 and $54,000 are the bottom of this callback. Let's verify it together in the next few days.

Today is July 5, 2024, a day worth remembering. Today is Friday and I came to work as usual, but the only difference is that the amount of the account decline today exceeded one year's salary. Yesterday, July 4, the account decline also exceeded one year's salary, but I was still very calm in my heart, because there were also five consecutive days before when the account amount rose by more than five years' salary. Now I just want to collect enough double-digit Bitcoins, and then wait for a bull market to retire smoothly.

Hold BTC and let time accompany us to slowly become rich.