The market is recovering strongly, and the big bull market is coming! Want to seize the opportunity and realize wealth growth? Come and listen to my advice!

For investors who want to make a small profit in this bull market, I have a few suggestions.

First, keep a close eye on core hot areas, such as L2, AI, social, games, wallets, etc. These areas have huge development potential in the future.

Second, give up the unrealistic fantasy of 100-fold or 1,000-fold returns. For ordinary small investors, 20-fold to 50-fold returns are already very considerable.

Third, be prepared for long-term holding and stabilize your mentality. For the selected high-quality projects, you must be patient and confident, and don't waver easily.

Finally, try to capture the mid-term callback opportunities of the bull market. Of course, if you are not sure about the market trend, you can also choose to ignore it and avoid blindly following the trend.

In this round of bull market, it is very important to stay rational and choose an investment strategy that suits you.