Today, the Internet went viral that a hacker stole all the money that a certain user had accumulated over the years, 100WU, even though he was always carrying his phone and computer. When I heard about it, my first reaction was that it was incredible, and my second reaction was that it was impossible. It is indeed very common for cold wallets of centralized exchanges to be stolen. Basically, large exchanges are always under technical attacks from hackers, but it is simply incomprehensible that personal accounts were stolen.

Sure enough, after some investigation, it was found that the user's money was not directly transferred by the hacker, but the account was taken over by the hacker, and the other party remotely traded through the method of token matching on the disk, and "moved" his coins in disguise. The reason for this incident was that the commonly used cookie plug-in on his browser was hijacked, and the hacker transferred the tokens through matching.

Comparing the security of cold wallets and CEX, the absolutely safe one is definitely the cold wallet. As long as the core items such as hardware devices and mnemonics are well preserved, there is basically no security risk. However, for most traders, the security of CEX is beyond doubt, including a certain An! There is a very important premise for this person to be stolen: the account login browser is not closed, and the downloaded on-chain plug-in is not cleaned up in time. For most secondary market players, they may not even know what a plug-in is.

From the perspective that assets are only stored in CEX exchanges and a certain degree of security is guaranteed, the app and the device that receives the verification code can be basically isolated. The second is to log in to the web version of the system and exit the system before closing the browser. FTX is the only example of this. Mentougou has paid all the compensation after so many years. Just don't go to unknown small platforms.

In terms of macro Bitcoin spot ETF, nine American institutions bought a total of 29,592 bitcoins in May, and the capital inflow returned to the previous initial inflow level. The total CEX Bitcoin outflow in May was 88,000, and the stock of centralized exchanges was only 2.5 million, reaching the lowest level since 2018. This data is consistent with the transition data from the early stage of the bull market to the mid-term.

This weekend, ONT, a TON ecosystem, was on fire. Following PEPE, another meme coin was pulled up very hard. To be precise, it should be a sector that integrates TON ecosystem + MEME + blockchain games. The continuous rise of NOT directly led to a concentrated counterattack in the short-term blockchain game sector. For those who still have positions in the blockchain games that were emphasized last month, it is time to sell them now when everyone is fomo.

Bottom-fishing is like this, buy when no one is interested, sell when the crowds are loud, and continue with the layout after the noise. The closing of the monthly line of the big cake last month was not perfect. From a technical point of view, if there is no violent surge to break the existing shock shackles, the market this month is likely to fluctuate widely. If it goes down, the view remains the same as in May, and there is basically no chance of a new low.

This is the first trading day of the U.S. stock market this week. Continue to pay attention to ETF inflows in the evening. Monday’s data can often provide a relatively large reference for this week, and we can get a glimpse of the situation.

BTC: Bitcoin tentatively broke through 70,000 USD in the evening, and then fell back quickly. The market will not be achieved overnight. The technical macro trend support 67,000 points and the downward trend remains unchanged. The short-term bullish strong pressure is at 70,000 points. The short-term direction is fast to choose. Looking at the market wash-out situation in the evening, the general trend is not pessimistic.

ETH: Ethereum's trend is linked to Bitcoin. Overall, the bullish trend of the daily line has not changed much. The bottom support is 3600 points and the trend support is 3860.

ORDI: The daily line is strong in the short term, and the short-term continuity of the market needs to be studied. Those who entered near the bottom of 36 points in the previous period can be partially sold first, and then look for opportunities to buy low when the long-term correction occurs. The short-term high-quality support entry position is 44 points.

JTO: A wave of linkage returned to the 3.5-point trend support, continue to pay attention to the first wave.

JUP: The structural support is around 1.0 points. In the short term, Bitcoin can maintain the support without breaking. JUP has the opportunity to rebound with the support as the starting point.

NOT: Although it is strong, those who do not have a position at this position should definitely not chase it. The risk-return ratio is not suitable, and there is currently a need for a short-term correction.

ONDO: The leader of the RWA sector, the technical side is slowly moving upward along the five-day line, the bottom trend support is around 1.34 points, the cycle is concerned. #5月非农数据即将公布 #MegadropLista #链游板块普涨 #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 $BTC