June Outlook, which targets should be chosen

First, ETH ETF, needless to say. In addition to leverage, the best Beta of ETH is those targets with ETH in the name, such as ETHFI, ENS.

Personally, I think Pendle's indicators in these aspects are great. In terms of the correlation between fundamentals and narratives, the initial rise was because Pendle catered to the LSD narrative, and this year Pendle was deeply involved in the LRT narrative, pushing prices to continue to rise. However, I have talked about Pendle many times this year, so I won't go into details here.

Another one worth paying attention to is Arbitrum. The Arbitrum community's "200 million ARB game catalyst plan" proposal vote should be passed. This is definitely good for Arbitrum's game ecosystem (such as TreasureDAO).

MAGIC also has a Layer3 expectation in the future. On April 22, TreasureDAO has launched the Layer3 test network, and it is expected to launch the main network in Q3 this year, and the main network supports staking.

The AI ​​section only talks about two targets with confirmed date catalysts:

The FET merger will take place on June 11/June 13, and will be renamed ASI afterwards.

AR, AO related information will be released on June 13, and participants can mine AO ​​through AR.

Regarding Solana, the original idea was that SOL might be affected by the strength of ETH (blood sucking).

Now I have changed my mind: Solana is a memecoin casino (referring to those celebrity memes, most people will choose to issue memecoin on Solana), and the current market has a rigid demand for memecoin gambling.

Therefore, I think SOL will not be sucked too much blood during this period - the current population of ETH and SOL has been divided, and people who play SOL will not easily migrate to ETH. On the contrary, the rise of ETH will raise market expectations and push market sentiment to a high point, and Solana will be the beneficiary.

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