Meme coins provide everyone with a gamble with a bigger odds, not a winning rate (the winning rate of betting on memes is actually not high), and they are launched fairly and fully circulated. Playing with Nima value coins, I don’t know where the value is. The key is that the time cycle is also very long and the capital efficiency is too low.

For most friends in the circle, whether it is value investment or technical analysis, the final result is also a high probability of losing money. Without long-term training, it is also difficult to have relevant money-making skills.

Since coming to the currency circle is gambling, why not play a fairer and larger odds? And you can see the results immediately, either getting rich or going to zero. I can understand this approach, and I don’t think the choice is necessarily wrong. (Because you have to gamble with a small amount of money)

For friends who invest in value, it is essentially gambling. But it is nothing more than gambling with more skills. Whether it is the four-year halving rule, the capital rotation rule, the fundamental rule, or the macro narrative, decisions can be made according to some long-term rules.

It cannot be said that it will definitely win, it can only be said that gambling is more skillful and can live longer. Generally, the funds used for value investing are larger, and the butt determines the head, so they tend to adopt a more stable approach. Without ensuring the final victory, they will bet on some targets that are obviously more stable and more in line with long-term value.
