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How to judge the potential of a coin? For experienced people, you can look at it from these aspects: 1: First look at the background of the founder of this coin. It is best to avoid domestic ones, and then those founders with insufficient funds, bad records, or those who have deceived investors should also be excluded. 2: Be wary of those exaggerated coins. For example, some coins are obviously imitations, but they boast that they can surpass Ethereum, Bitcoin, etc. There are also those coins that only pile up concepts but have not yet been put into practical application. These are not worth investing in. 3: If a certain coin is hotly discussed in the group, and someone shows off their earnings every day, then you should be careful. In the digital currency market, sometimes you have to think against the public. 4: Don't touch the coins that have been falling since they were bought and have not risen for several years, no matter how cheap they are now. This kind of coin may have been abandoned by the dealer, leaving only retail investors to kill each other. There is no point in investing in such coins. There is also a more reliable probability method to judge: 1: If the coin has been listed on major exchanges such as Binance, Oui or Coinbase, it means that it has passed certain audits and paid certain costs. Such coins are relatively more powerful. You can try to invest with a small amount of money. 2: Coins with very low prices and market capitalizations between tens of millions and 500 million are also worth paying attention to. 3: Coins whose founders are foreigners may have a more international perspective and standardization. 4: Coins that have not been popular or heavily promoted before may have more room for growth. Sort by market capitalization on Binance, select a few eligible coins, and invest a few thousand or a few hundred U to test the waters. When the bull market comes, these investments may become tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of U! The market has recently pulled back, and many people want to find opportunities to enter the market. Then I will share some suggestions for selecting coins when they fall: First, choose those coins that are more resistant to falling; secondly, choose coins with big story backgrounds, such as coins that can pull the market in the middle of the bull market, such as second-layer networks, sol ecology, atom ecology, and AI sectors and other popular theme coins. Finally, if you are investing for the long term, now should be a time to be happy rather than frustrated, because the market has given you another opportunity to buy at a low price!Those popular new coins that you missed before, you can take the opportunity to buy them this time! Remember to buy in batches, don't be afraid of being stuck! What you lack is the courage to get on board! If you want to wait for the market to stabilize before buying, you have to be patient! You have to control your hands and don't trade impulsively! In the bull market, stock up on spot, hope that the spot will double, if you can't hold it, click on my avatar and follow me. I need fans, you need reference! It's better to follow than to guess. #热门话题 #ORDIUSDT

How to judge the potential of a coin?

For experienced people, you can look at it from these aspects:

1: First look at the background of the founder of this coin. It is best to avoid domestic ones, and then those founders with insufficient funds, bad records, or those who have deceived investors should also be excluded.

2: Be wary of those exaggerated coins. For example, some coins are obviously imitations, but they boast that they can surpass Ethereum, Bitcoin, etc. There are also those coins that only pile up concepts but have not yet been put into practical application. These are not worth investing in.

3: If a certain coin is hotly discussed in the group, and someone shows off their earnings every day, then you should be careful. In the digital currency market, sometimes you have to think against the public.

4: Don't touch the coins that have been falling since they were bought and have not risen for several years, no matter how cheap they are now. This kind of coin may have been abandoned by the dealer, leaving only retail investors to kill each other. There is no point in investing in such coins.

There is also a more reliable probability method to judge:

1: If the coin has been listed on major exchanges such as Binance, Oui or Coinbase, it means that it has passed certain audits and paid certain costs. Such coins are relatively more powerful. You can try to invest with a small amount of money.

2: Coins with very low prices and market capitalizations between tens of millions and 500 million are also worth paying attention to.

3: Coins whose founders are foreigners may have a more international perspective and standardization.

4: Coins that have not been popular or heavily promoted before may have more room for growth.

Sort by market capitalization on Binance, select a few eligible coins, and invest a few thousand or a few hundred U to test the waters. When the bull market comes, these investments may become tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of U!

The market has recently pulled back, and many people want to find opportunities to enter the market. Then I will share some suggestions for selecting coins when they fall:

First, choose those coins that are more resistant to falling; secondly, choose coins with big story backgrounds, such as coins that can pull the market in the middle of the bull market, such as second-layer networks, sol ecology, atom ecology, and AI sectors and other popular theme coins.

Finally, if you are investing for the long term, now should be a time to be happy rather than frustrated, because the market has given you another opportunity to buy at a low price!Those popular new coins that you missed before, you can take the opportunity to buy them this time! Remember to buy in batches, don't be afraid of being stuck! What you lack is the courage to get on board! If you want to wait for the market to stabilize before buying, you have to be patient! You have to control your hands and don't trade impulsively!

In the bull market, stock up on spot, hope that the spot will double, if you can't hold it, click on my avatar and follow me.

I need fans, you need reference!

It's better to follow than to guess.


Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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为什么今天加密货币市场下跌了? #市场下跌原因 尽管存在许多不确定性,但加密货币市场在之前一直表现良好,实际上还相当强劲,直到今日。上个月经过一段恢复期以及美国就业率的积极结果后,市场获得了稳定。美国政府在5月份增加了27.2万个就业岗位,这一数字远高于任何预期和预测。然而,当前的政治变动和其他原因导致了市场下跌的情况。 根据恐惧与贪婪指数,今天的贪婪水平已经下降,随之而来的是全球市值的下降。市场市值在个体加密货币下跌后减少2.82%,目前为2.47万亿美元。今天几乎所有其他加密货币都呈现下跌趋势,加密货币市场的热力图显示为红色。 对加密货币市场影响最大的因素应该是欧盟议会选举的结果。这些结果影响了加密货币用户对即将到来的监管和该行业讨论的情绪。此外,经济因素也成为了另一个因素,当欧洲央行宣布降息25个基点时,这本来是个好消息,但经济增长可能会对加密货币产生影响。 此外,比特币图表早些时候显示出了熊市旗帜模式的存在,导致价格下跌。由于比特币的主导地位,其价格对加密货币市场的表现具有重大影响。比特币的主导地位已经超过了54%的标记,目前为54.2%,这是相当高的。然而,分析师们并不预期比特币价格会持续下跌,这是好消息。但这也不代表市场就会好起来。以太坊的价格就已经在挣扎了,要是再跌得厉害,投资者们可受不了。 无论你选择哪条道路,都需要付出努力和汗水。但只要你坚定信念、勇往直前,那么赚取100万人民币的梦想就一定能够实现。 若你主动交流,我将助你一臂之力,让你安心前行。黑姐的粉丝们,这轮牛市,我必不让你们踏空! #BTC☀ #ETH
Aethir的ATH代币即将登陆OKX与Bybit,H100 GPU助力游戏与AI发展 备受瞩目的Aethir项目即将在区块链领域掀起一股新浪潮。其ATH代币将于6月12日在北京时间下午6:00正式在OKX和Bybit两大知名交易平台上线交易。这标志着Aethir迈出了其宏伟愿景的重要一步,即为游戏和AI构建可扩展的去中心化云基础设施。 作为此次上线的配套活动,Aethir还将启动其社区空投的第一阶段,慷慨地奖励630M $ATH代币给热情的社区成员。这一举措不仅彰显了Aethir对社区支持的重视,也为其未来生态的繁荣打下了坚实的基础。 值得一提的是,Aethir项目得到了HashKey Capital、MeritCircle、AnimocaBrands等众多知名机构的鼎力支持。这些合作伙伴的加入,无疑为Aethir的发展注入了强大的动力。 在技术层面,Aethir云平台的H100 GPU更是其核心竞争力之一。这款由NVIDIA推出的高性能图形处理单元,专为AI和机器学习工作负载设计,每小时仅需1.19美元的价格,为开发者提供了极具性价比的计算资源。 H100 GPU拥有两个变种,分别是配备80GB HBM3的H100 80GB HBM3版本和适应标准PCIe插槽的H100 PCIe版本。无论是处理大规模数据集还是运行复杂模型,H100 GPU都能凭借其高达756 TFLOPS(FP32张量核心)的性能,显著提升AI训练和推理任务的效率。 H100 GPU不仅适用于大型语言模型如GPT-3的运行,还能轻松应对复杂的深度学习框架和高端科学模拟。其强大的计算能力和灵活的适应性,使得Aethir云平台在游戏和AI领域拥有广泛的应用前景。 随着ATH代币的正式上线和H100 GPU的广泛应用,Aethir项目正迎来其发展的黄金时期。我们期待Aethir能够继续秉持其创新理念,为区块链和游戏AI领域带来更多革命性的突破。 评论区888,黑姐带你一起开搞! #新币分析
山寨币真的能让人一夜暴富吗? #山寨暴富 确实,存在着那些通过投资山寨币在牛市期间实现巨额收益的人。他们凭借一定的运气和策略,成功地将原本10万至50万的资金转化为数百万甚至数千万的财富。 然而,这种暴富并非易事,需要满足一定的条件。首先,投资者需要拥有相对较大的本金,以确保在山寨币价格上涨时能够获得可观的利润。其次,市场需处于牛市阶段,使得山寨币价格能够大幅上涨。然而,即便在牛市中,涨幅达到30倍以上的情况也并不常见,因此暴富的机会仍然相对有限。 值得注意的是,那些热衷于投资山寨币的人往往具备较强的冒险精神。他们愿意承担较高的风险以追求更高的收益。然而,这种冒险精神也可能导致他们在获得一定收益后继续加大投资,进一步增加风险。 人的本性往往是一致的。那些在市场中赚得盆满钵满的人,往往不会因为财富的增加而变得保守。相反,他们可能会继续寻找更多的冒险机会,以期望实现更高的收益。 因此,虽然投资山寨币确实存在暴富的可能性,但投资者需要谨慎对待,理性分析市场情况,并控制好自己的风险承受能力。毕竟,投资市场充满了不确定性,没有谁能保证自己能够永远成功。 点击头像,关注主页,面对粉丝,我的牛市策略布局,无常分享,做免费博主,只为涨粉。如果你来找我,我可以带你上岸,我不会让我的粉丝在这轮牛市踏空!你尽管躺平就好! #people🔥🔥 #ORDIUSDT
在当今社会,人群被划分为五大阶层,你身处其中的哪一层呢? #热门话题 第一层:日常劳作阶层 这一层的人们通过辛勤工作和时间交换来获取收入,生活依赖于提成和薪水。 他们的日常关注点围绕着日常琐事:晚餐吃什么?下班后如何放松?如何打扮自己?以及选择哪一款车。 他们的工作环境中,最常接触的是上司、顾客和同事。 闲聊的话题也大多围绕娱乐新闻、家庭琐事和日常生活。 第二层:经营阶层 他们时刻在思考如何盈利,如何通过产品的差价赚钱,以及如何更有效地推广产品。 他们密切关注市场的动向,探寻下一个可能的风口和机遇。 与朋友的交流,往往围绕产品质量、销售途径和可用资源。 他们总是忙碌于市场之中,奔波于各种商务活动。 第三层:创新阶层 他们专注于产品的升级迭代,思考如何优化盈利模式。 他们追求的是项目、产品和公司的价值增长。 与朋友讨论的内容,涉及行业现状、商业模式和产品价值。 这一层的人们拥有强大的学习能力,他们与优秀人士保持紧密沟通,并持续学习、进步。 第四层:资本阶层 他们思考的是资本的运作方式,深入剖析社会的本质,研究人性的奥秘。 他们的话题往往围绕趋势、政策等宏观层面。 他们致力于提升自己的认知,学习商业和赚钱的思维。 第五层:思想领袖阶层 这一层的人们追求的是历史的赞誉和威望。他们关心的是人类文明的进步,思考如何传播和布局思想。 他们的对话涉及认知、人类思想、哲学等宏大的主题。 那么,你在哪个阶层呢?是否渴望改变现状,迈向更高的阶层?
币圈生存准则 1、切勿轻易抛售低价筹码,坚守阵地,防止被市场假象所迷惑; 2、盲目追涨杀跌、孤注一掷是大错特错,把握大趋势,逢低分批建仓,方能降低风险,提升收益; 3、合理调配利润,最大化利用资金,避免过度加仓,保持资金流动性; 4、面对市场波动,保持冷静,不投机取巧,不浮躁贪婪,不打无准备之仗,心态决定成败; 5、早期布局或参与私募低价币,需依赖经验与对项目的判断,而在二级市场博弈时,则要注重技术分析与消息面,两者不可混淆; 6、建仓与出货需有条不紊,逐步拉开价格区间,以控制风险与利润的比例; 7、熟悉币市联动效应,观察其他币种的动向,理解它们之间的内在联系,利用工具APP进行全面分析; 8、配置资产需合理,热门币与价值币需均衡搭配,考虑风险承受能力与收益预期,过于保守或激进均非明智之举; 9、保持账户有币、有钱、有现金,不轻易梭哈,风险控制和资金配置是成功的关键,闲钱投资是稳健之道; 10、掌握基本操作技巧,学会灵活运用,观察市场走势,记录关键点位,培养自己的分析能力和阅读习惯,筛选出有价值的信息。 在我看来,炒币市场仿佛一个无尽的循环。每当价格飙升,总有人因未能及时把握而惋惜不已;而当市场暴跌,亦不乏因投入过重而深陷困顿之人。因此,我们需要培养独立思考的能力,对自己的投资行为负责,而非依赖他人指引。希望在下一个市场大幅波动时,我们不再抱怨连连,而是能沉着冷静,等待低谷的来临,寻觅合适的入场时机。 最后,我想强调的是:投资之路并无固定模式可循。我们所要做的,就是全力以赴,以独特的视角洞察市场的起起落落。不论盈亏如何,只应追求与自身理解相契合的利润,不被得失所困,更不应怨天尤人。 更多分析看主页简介 #BTC

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