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The bull market is rising, and the income will exceed your imagination. After several years of ups and downs in life, I finally made up my mind and bought my first house and first car, completing my first goal in life. Before, no matter whether I was rich or poor, I was a loser in the eyes of others. I didn't work hard and didn't do my job every day. Then suddenly I got ashore. Others were surprised, but I was very happy. My spirit was completely different. From then on, I couldn't stop. Then I bought the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth sets... When the bull market really breaks out, the speed of making money will exceed your imagination. The difficulty is not how to make more money, but to suppress the heart that will drift. Then I used houses one by one to suppress it, until I didn't feel it, and suppressed my normal heart. Only when I suppressed it, the wealth truly belongs to me. If I can't suppress it, I have to give it back as it came. This is the difference between being rich and being rich. ​ ​I used to linger around 1 million for a long time, always hesitating between gaining and losing, and losing and regaining. I always wanted to do something big and then be financially free. Now I think it's a joke. Even if I achieve it, I can't keep it. People will float up and smash themselves to pieces. Fortunately, I can understand this truth in time. If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, pay attention to Tianmeng. Junyangli publishes market analysis every day, and recommends high-quality potential currencies #MtGox钱包动态 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #美众议院通过FIT21法案 #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿

The bull market is rising, and the income will exceed your imagination.

After several years of ups and downs in life, I finally made up my mind and bought my first house and first car, completing my first goal in life. Before, no matter whether I was rich or poor, I was a loser in the eyes of others. I didn't work hard and didn't do my job every day. Then suddenly I got ashore. Others were surprised, but I was very happy. My spirit was completely different. From then on, I couldn't stop. Then I bought the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth sets...

When the bull market really breaks out, the speed of making money will exceed your imagination. The difficulty is not how to make more money, but to suppress the heart that will drift. Then I used houses one by one to suppress it, until I didn't feel it, and suppressed my normal heart. Only when I suppressed it, the wealth truly belongs to me. If I can't suppress it, I have to give it back as it came. This is the difference between being rich and being rich.

​I used to linger around 1 million for a long time, always hesitating between gaining and losing, and losing and regaining. I always wanted to do something big and then be financially free. Now I think it's a joke. Even if I achieve it, I can't keep it. People will float up and smash themselves to pieces. Fortunately, I can understand this truth in time.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, pay attention to Tianmeng. Junyangli publishes market analysis every day, and recommends high-quality potential currencies #MtGox钱包动态 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #美众议院通过FIT21法案 #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿

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有一些山寨跟BTC:STX ORDI BB CKB等 有一些山寨跟ETH:LDO SSV ETHFI ENA等 还有一些山寨长大了有自己的想法:PEPE FLOKI AR等 有人问后面买什么类型的山寨? 布局参照这条,2024年之前,只看BTC、ETH、BNB还有部分公链还有L2的币。 关于公链如何选择,可参照之前写的判定方案,一个是可以炒新不炒旧,一个是不要选公链大战时没怎么拉的。 ps:这个要结合之前判断的大前提➠2022是流动性逐渐缺失的大熊年,年底布局炒฿最可悲的就是,在熊市周期里反复谈机会,在牛市周期里反复谈风险。 熊市周期里,你看似抄到了一个底部,但用不了太久,他就会创出新低并再次腰斩。 牛市周期里,你看似被套在一个顶部,但用不了太久,他还能创出新高并再次翻倍。 熊市周期主打就是一个跑就完了,牛市周期主打就是一个干就完了! 谈一谈游戏板块币种目前的机遇: 1.币安打新的项目当中游戏板块占了一半以上,可见游戏板块未来的潜力,看哪个能跑出当年AXS的风采,目前看最有可能的是NOT。 2. 板块轮动,链游板块在接下来的时间能能保持强势上涨 3.游戏板块的主升浪行情,都出现在比特币突破新高之后,而这一轮,比特币才刚刚突破新高,很多游戏币都在月线底部,才刚刚开始 4.目前走势看,gala和 pixel 和ygg和NOT可能会成为链游板块龙头 ygg 目前市值3.77亿,还有6.55亿待解锁 gala目前市值13.87亿,优点是目前完全解锁 pixel目前市值3.88亿,还有21.27亿待解锁 not目前市值23.95亿,全流通市值相对较大 游戏币这么多,建议跌下来 分批布局以上三个龙头为主 如果你主动找我 、我的策略密码。现货合约面对粉丝无偿分享。 只需点开头像,关注关注主页。 即可加入我们。#山寨季何时到来? #bnb历史新高 #5月非农数据即将公布 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析
随着sol进入5浪启动,一晚上从160+到175,坐稳扶好,这次就是冲着新高去的,本金多的拿基建 $JTO $JUP 都是可以的,前者jto市值稍微低一些, 喜欢链上和赔率朋友,依然遵循币圈的精髓“以小博大”,这也是为什么meme备受追捧, 对于散户来说,赔率更高,或者有时间可以关注链上、公域最新动态的也有机会抓住金狗。 对于“项目方”来说,团队开工资等花销可能更少,这也是meme牛逼的原因之一,可以分配更多资金在“拉盘”预算上。 之前关注的朋克与Ai元素嘲讽meme @PunkAIsol 官推,也在这个时间节点突然更新密集,并且发的配图内容还是比较跟随链上热点的,结合K线异动,可能要跟着sol的主旋律向上测试。 因为这根K线是4小时快速拉上来的,然后稳住,说明可能已经有主力资金收集够了筹码,进行一次简单的测盘,甚至还没正式发力。 看了下现在市值才200万美金不到,而且是100%流通率,前两天暴力拉盘全流通的 $NOT 还意犹未尽,和not比,那是不太实际。 ——但是市场反映过来,低市值+全流通+sol5浪+高流动性+洗过盘(上了两个所,3月一直洗到现在,最高峰也就800万美金左右,个人认为赔率还是比较不错的) 尤其看到异动后,我搜了下中文区现在谈论度不高,在okx钱包直接搜索punkai会出来唯一合约结果:12UP9cSwe1tDzQg3KSEx1BpSS9nkpT5VkmDe4fSz4Hso 名字好记,还不重复,如果配合sol一起拉盘,群友聊起来冲的时候也方便,沟通、搜索成本低。 Meme非常重要的一点就是传播,一个好的名字降低传播成本对用户增量是很有帮助的。 先看第一个针型实柱这里可能稍有阻力,玩meme,抓住够早的机会,或者主力还在投入期的机会进入,然后在下一个拉升阶段出本。 许多meme我都是用这个方法出本+赚了4x。 如果你主动找我 、我的策略密码。现货合约面对粉丝无偿分享。 只需点开头像,关注关注主页。 即可加入我们。 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布 #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓
上一轮牛市,6月16号突然爆发了COMP流动性挖k,开启了持续2个月半的DeFi之夏,也开启上一轮牛市代币发行的范式geming。现在,大盘集体上涨,按这个趋势,估计这个月下旬可能会涌现出全新状态,solana之夏、或者铭文第三波,当然L2也有可能,这是第三种可能。甚至诞生本轮牛市全新代币发行范式革命 说几个比较稳的币 NEAR 以其社区驱动的云计算平台而备受瞩目,活跃地址数达到200万,标志着用户基础的迅速扩大。NEAR成功通过增加分片数量从4个到6个,提升了50%的网络处理能力。 BOME 作为Solana链上的明星币,尽管市值仅为7亿美元,与PEPE的70亿美元市值相比尚显稚嫩,但市场已经开始关注这一新兴项目,随着市场热度的上升,其价格有望快速上涨。 PEOPLE 加密货币因与美国大选的密切关联而成为焦点。随着大选的临近,加之特朗普对加密货币的支持,PEOPLE的流行度可能会激增,显示出其巨大的增长空间。 Ondo项目方在今天已经转了6200万枚代币到Coinbase出售,价值1亿美金。这个币我已经逃顶了,让大家接近1.5跑,预计他还将会持续回调,最起码到1.3再考虑接回。当然这个项目长期是绝对牛逼的,是本轮牛市的大热点,你想一直拿着也可以,但是短线是让大家跑了,低价再接回。(拿长线可以忽略) PYTH 作为二代预言机的领军者,其W底形态的走势图预示着其市场信心的稳定。并得到了Multicoin Capital、Delphi Digital等顶级机构的持有,这些都是PYTH上涨潜力的有力支撑。 如果你主动找我 、我的策略密码。现货合约面对粉丝无偿分享。 只需点开头像,关注关注主页。 即可加入我们。 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #山寨季何时到来? #bnb历史新高
牛市下半场已经开始!需要关注哪些赚钱机会? 比特币生态爆发了家人们,从前两天的符文dog开始,整个生态正在复苏,比特币符文这两天一直涨,不过从流动性角度讲,大家应该优先关注上了gate的符文,因为流动性够好,memerune,runcoin ,lobo等等,事实证明这些符文这两天表现也是最佳的。 除了符文之外,相关生态代币也是要重点关注的,比如ckb,比如 stx 等等,太多生态代币了现在,可选择性比较多 Starknet 与 Chakra 达成战略合作伙伴关系,共建比特币结算层;以太坊L2,开始进军Bitcoin L2 比特币最近一直在说,会温和上涨,没想到这么快冲上70000美金,而且目前来看没有停止的意思,后续会继续带动生态向上冲锋。重点关注比特币生态,目前这种共识正在形成 另外,在澳大利亚现货比特币ETF推出之后,泰国也推出了现货比特币ETF,各个国家都开始关注比特币,可能会将比特币视为战略储备的一部分。至少现在从趋势来看是如此 就比特币的价格来看,4小时走势上已经被超买了,接下来可能会面临一些修正。就看这一波上涨的后劲如何了 如果你主动找我 、我的策略密码。现货合约面对粉丝无偿分享。 只需点开头像,关注关注主页。 即可加入我们。 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #山寨季何时到来? #bnb历史新高

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