The end of the copycat is zero!

For a long-term coin, the holding logic should always be independent of the short-term price. When a coin is at a high point, if you choose to believe in a narrative, you have to think about whether this narrative can still convince yourself if the price drops to 10% of the current price? If not, you may have to re-evaluate the persuasiveness of this narrative.

Some narratives are like this. This narrative is only effective in the current price range. If it falls, it means that this narrative is invalid. There is also a part of the real "narrative". Regardless of whether it rises or falls, as long as there is no fundamental change in conditions (such as the project party running away, black swan events), then its narrative can be completely independent of the price.

Temporary narratives are mostly used to boost fomo sentiment. Once it falls, people have ten thousand reasons to disprove it (perhaps before that, they can try to disprove every narrative in order to give themselves an objective investment idea); and what we call reliable and sustainable narratives - people use it to fuel the fomo sentiment, and people use it to strengthen their beliefs when it is fud, and even when it is bland, people will fomo as soon as they hear it... However, it should be noted that even if such narratives are really independent of price, they will inevitably be overly beautified when it is fomo, and covered with some fake hats when it is fud.

If you are a long-termist, when choosing to hold tokens for a long time, you should try to avoid temporary narratives (even if it is sometimes really difficult to identify), and choose those narratives that seem to be independent of price and naturally produce persuasiveness. Take Bitcoin as an example. If it crashes to 20,000 tomorrow, I can still tell you with confidence that it should be 1 million in a few years - no explanation is needed.

Bitcoin is very simple, and everyone understands its "eternity". But nowadays, simple things are becoming less and less, and it is difficult for us to understand how long the narrative of a thing can survive.

The cryptocurrency circle is still a huge makeshift team, using seemingly complex things to fool people. Some people say that no matter what the process of Bitcoin is, the end result is to rise, and no matter what the process of altcoins is, the end result is to return to zero. It makes sense, this is what a makeshift team is like.

However, there is something different, that is, "Bitcoin ecology". It is complicated, but not that complicated. It is nothing more than using Bitcoin and empowering Bitcoin. Everything is related to Bitcoin, everything is the other side of Bitcoin, and everything is to make Bitcoin better. From Bitcoin to Bitcoin.

I firmly believe that the five words "Bitcoin ecology" are a reliable long-term narrative. You can disprove the inscription, you can disprove the second layer, and people have reasons to disprove every trend that becomes popular on Bitcoin. But it is difficult for people to completely disprove the five words "Bitcoin ecology".

How to define "Bitcoin ecology"? If someone calls something Bitcoin ecology, but when more people play Bitcoin or Bitcoin rises, it has nothing to do with this thing, or when this thing develops well by itself, it cannot generate any value for Bitcoin itself, or even is harmful to Bitcoin - then Bitcoin does not need it, it is meaningless to Bitcoin, and this cannot be considered a part of Bitcoin ecology, but can only be regarded as a rip-off of Bitcoin. The remaining models that are truly meaningful to the development of Bitcoin will constitute a complete and long-term continuous gameplay that will not be lost from the Bitcoin mainnet.

Even if all the projects in the "Bitcoin ecosystem" today are finally going to zero, the charm of these five words will make it a prairie fire in the future of the blockchain. Look, this is a narrative independent of price.

Outside of Bitcoin, various public chains want to falsify each other, various memes want to falsify each other, and various projects are also proving to each other why they are necessary and others are not. Only Bitcoin, you can't falsify it. Bitcoin and everything around Bitcoin will get better and better, just need time to prove it.

Human technology will definitely progress, medical care will become more and more perfect, the Internet will become more and more prosperous, people's lives will become happier and happier... In addition to these parallel sentences, you can add a sentence, Bitcoin will get better and better. Then what about everything around Bitcoin? It won't be bad.

So, if the end point of the copycat is really zero, the end point of the Bitcoin ecosystem is the revival of all things, the prosperity of singing and dancing, the return of rivers to the sea, and the light of the road.

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