[2024.5.31 BTC/ETH intraday market analysis]

Bitcoin reached my first target/pressure level of 69530 (highest 69568) in the early morning and then began to pull back. Unfortunately, it only rushed to the 4-hour closing line and did not stand firm. It can only be regarded as a strong rebound in 4 hours.

Bitcoin pays attention to the position of 68050 today. As long as it does not fall below this position, the 4-hour level is a rebound market. Pay attention to the pressure level of 68985 above the rebound. The 4-hour level closes above this position, indicating that the rebound has ended and the market has officially started to rise. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level of 69530-70100.

If the rebound fails and falls below 68050, the 4-hour rebound will end and the market will turn bearish. The support below is around 67300-66660-66035. #BTC走势分析

Ether's early morning rebound was relatively weak. Pay attention to the position of 3760 today. The 2/4-hour level closed above this position and the level began to rebound. The upper pressure level/target should pay attention to the positions of 3795-3840-3871.

If it fails to stand above 3760, the bulls are weak and the market is likely to go down. Pay attention to the support below 3713-3665-3625. #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥