Analysis of the market trend in the evening:

$BTC has broken through the first pressure level of 57000 in the sideways trading area mentioned in the afternoon and is close to the second target level. If it continues to rise in the evening, the target/pressure level will pay attention to 57500. After standing above 57500, the next rebound will be more powerful. The next target/pressure level will pay attention to the two positions of 58615-60385!

If the rebound in the early morning cannot stand above 57500, then pay attention to the two positions of 56800-56330 for the small-level retracement. As long as it does not fall below 56330, it will go up. If it falls below 56300, then this wave of 4-hour level rebound fails and the market turns bearish. First look at the bottom support of the sideways trading area at 55800. If it falls below, it will go to the positions of 54970-54100-53330! #BTC走势分析

$ETH just rose to the top pressure level of the sideways zone mentioned in the afternoon, 3025. The next target/pressure level should pay attention to the two pressure intervals of 3084-3108. After standing above 3108, the next rebound will be more powerful. The next target/pressure level should pay attention to the two positions of 3175-3290!

If the rebound in the early morning cannot stand above 3025, then pay attention to the two positions of 3000-2980 for the small-level retracement. As long as it does not fall below 2980, it will go up. If it falls below 2980, then this wave of 4-hour level rebound failed and the market turned bearish. First look at the bottom support of the sideways zone 2953. If it falls below, it will go to the positions of 2900-2844-2800! #ETH走势分析

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