When will the bull market of Bitcoin and Ethereum start in the second half of 2024?

Bitcoin has been adjusting since April, and it has been adjusted for two months by the end of May. The previous prediction was to adjust to around 53,000 at the end of May in a unilateral decline, and then start the main rising wave from June. The decline formed a reversal in mid-May. Someone asked about this and left a message to remind me.

So how will the market in June proceed? Let me talk about my point of view:

First, let's talk about the worst and best case scenario. Although the decline that started in April did not reach the target price, it is foreseeable that Bitcoin will not fall below 53,000. The worst market situation is to slowly decline again in June and July, and complete the ABC adjustment on the weekly chart, thus starting the main rising wave of the bull market. To say this is the worst means that the market will have to adjust for more than a month, and to say that it is the best that the bull market will start later will be more fierce.

Secondly. The current daily chart market is a volatile long market, and it is not ruled out that the market will start a new high after another adjustment of the daily chart. So what we are doing now is to slowly build positions after each daily chart level adjustment (in fact, most of the currencies are still in the stage of slowly building a bottom)

Finally, let's talk about how to choose a good currency. My personal recommendation is to refer to several factors:

First: Hot spots Several major hot spots this year: ai raw sol meme and some very good concepts, etc.

Second: Meme does not count, whether there is a strong institutional background behind it

Third: Find the weekly chart trend is already a bullish trend (refer to the technical analysis posted before)

Fourth: Whether the recent daily chart rise is accompanied by a significant increase in trading volume.

Finally, the previous Ethereum market indicates that the second half of the year is a main rising wave market. Once the market breaks through the new high, the market will continue until before New Year's Day without much risk.

In summary, every decline in the daily chart in June and July is an opportunity to build a medium- and long-term position. The virtual currency market may be the most certain investment opportunity in 2024, and there will be no such good opportunities in the future. After 2025, dust returns to dust.

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