Let me tell you a story about a couple in my circle:

They both entered the cryptocurrency world in 2017 and 2019. I was the one who introduced them to the industry at that time. Her husband is a little bit better. He is considered a KOL (key opinion leader). He likes to analyze the technical aspects of the cryptocurrency world and has some financial knowledge. He is not a complete speculator.

At the beginning, their combined capital was about 30,000 yuan. From 2017 to now, their highest profit has reached over 10 million yuan. However, the status of cryptocurrency traders is very similar: they spend money like water in the circle and make do with daily necessities. They even think that noodles that cost 10 yuan outside are expensive. Their daily entertainment is to go out to watch a movie. When it comes to daily consumption, the benchmark is their own salary.

At the beginning of the circle, there were many losers, all of whom were not satisfied with their lives. They worked in Shenzhen in 2017. The housing prices in first-tier cities were really out of reach, and they could not even think about it with their salary. At that time, her husband had just entered the cryptocurrency circle and it was in the bull market. The 30,000 yuan principal quickly turned into more than 2 million yuan. But the cryptocurrency circle is a day, and the human world is ten years. Soon it fell to hundreds of thousands. In the past few years, they have been on more than 10 roller coasters, with ups and downs. On May 19, they lost about 2 million yuan in profits. Such experiences are commonplace, and the money earned in the circle is like the wind. If it blows, it will also blow away.

In 2019, they returned to Chengdu and bought their first house. At that time, they had not cashed out in the cryptocurrency circle, and the money for the first house was scraped together. At that time, their mentality was to not think about anything else, as long as it was cheap. Later, they raised about 3 million yuan and bought an apartment and a house in Chengdu. At this time, they paid more attention to the quality of the house and the community environment. When most of their peers were still struggling for the down payment, they had these assets in the second-tier cities before the age of 30, and they were very relaxed in life. There was a lot of luck in this.

Later, I took them to do cryptocurrency hoarding. I haven’t seen them for a long time, so they should be doing well!

Let me tell you about myself. I started in the cryptocurrency industry with 8,000 yuan, made more than 10 million yuan at the beginning, then became in debt of 8 million yuan, and now I am financially free. This is a class transition.

Regarding my own experience, I can divide it into four stages based on time.

The first stage (2016-2017). The ignorant are fearless, and they make so much money that they lose their minds. I entered the cryptocurrency circle in 2016 (the first contact was in 2013), and caught up with the big bull market in 2017. The principal was 100,000, and the highest was over 10 million. Two coins that left a deep impression on me are GXS, which participated in a private placement with 2 BTC. At that time, BTC was 6,000 each, and the opening price was 3 million. The other is Ant Financial (renamed NEO after 9). I bought 10,000 coins at a unit price and the price rose to more than 1,000, which means that a single coin exceeded 10 million. Then I became arrogant and felt that I could do anything. At that time, I thought, why not set a small goal to make 100 million first, and then stop playing after making 100 million. And then... then it was a story of "a person with a head full of desires, who felt that he was invincible, and was taught a lesson by the market."

The second stage (18-19). Reflect on yourself and start again. In 2018, the market entered a downward cycle. Looking at my hands full of copycats and a hopeless future, my mood fell to the bottom and I would call myself an idiot every day. But the market will not give you a backdoor because of your pain. So this stage is more of a process of reflecting on yourself and understanding the market. After a period of adjustment, I understand two truths. First, no one is better than anyone else, we are all ordinary people. The reason why I can make money in 2017 is not because of being awesome, but because the market is too good and I have good luck. I just stand on the trend. To put it bluntly, I am a pig on the vent, and take-off is inevitable. The second is the control of funds. Small funds have small funds to play, and large funds have big funds to play. You can't use the thinking of small funds to play with large funds, otherwise you will die miserably. After thinking it through, I sorted out my mood and began to make a new allocation of the chips in my hand, clearing out most of the copycats and replacing them with BTC, ETH and USDT

The third stage (20-21). Reasonable allocation, timely profit taking After a complete bull-bear cycle, the mentality is relatively calm. In addition, the circle has entered an upward cycle, so the assets have begun to appreciate continuously. At this time, what we do more is to take profits and constantly re-allocate. So relatively speaking, it is not as vigorous as in 2017. Maybe it is because I am old and feel that plainness and simplicity are the truth.

The fourth stage (22-?). Cultivate inner strength and believe in the future. I have no doubt about the future of Erquan. It is inevitable that the scale will surpass the previous high. At present, we only need to do one thing, do not leave the market, insist on holding high-quality targets, and we will definitely reap a lot in the future.

Finally, if you don’t know what to do in the current market and keep losing money, you are welcome to find Si Qing#ASI代币合并计划 #ORDIUSDT #PEOPLEUSDT $BOME $NOT