It is always easy to get attention by attacking others with one stick, such as "institutional coins are all garbage" or "meme coins are all air" or "defi is all capital", etc.

But the fact is that no matter which sector, field or track, it is 99% garbage + 1% gold.

Don't give up the research of projects that you know are reliable just because others attack the entire track with one stick, and don't think that you can make money easily by going to other tracks just because you are disappointed with a certain track. In this bull market, the derivatives track must be paid attention to. It is certain that the trading volume of this track has increased by at least 10 times in the bull market, which is a real improvement in fundamentals.

In derivatives, there are also many competitors, and the old brands are dydx and gmx, which are still undervalued compared to spot.

SynFutures, the champion of trading volume in recent months, is also worth paying attention to. It has not yet issued coins, and the wool party can participate in advance. After all, dydx made a lot of people rich. SynFutures, which has raised more than 36 million yuan, is also sought after by leading institutions such as Pantrea and Dragonfly.