The market has been fluctuating recently, with no regular direction at all. Technical analysis shows that once Ethereum falls below 2750 points, it will rebound immediately after a slight touch. When you think it can hit 4000, it will directly start to pull back at 3900. It looks like it is going to rise or fall, which looks very bluffing. In fact, the market is a volatile market. When will it show a direction? We may have to wait until tomorrow's PCE data. For ordinary investors, they should invest in the value coins I have told you about at their own pace. This round of bull market is very likely to be led by Ethereum. With the approval of the Ethereum spot ETF, the giant BlackRock may follow the operation of Bitcoin and buy a large amount of Ethereum. This will definitely happen, it's just a matter of time. Based on BlackRock's madness for Bitcoin, it is conceivable how much Ethereum will reach in this wave. Therefore, no matter what the cost of Ethereum in your hand is, as long as it is below 4000, it is worth holding for a long time. Don't worry about gains and losses and buy and sell frequently. The best way to operate this coin at present is to ignore the rise and fall, and only buy but not sell.

BlackRock's IBIT fund size has reached 16.5 billion US dollars, and Grayscale has continuously outflowed 17.7 billion US dollars, making IBIT the world's largest Bitcoin ETF. In this volatile cycle, retail investors are continuously selling chips, while institutions are continuously buying. Of course, institutional buying does not mean that the market will not fall in the short term, but from a long-term perspective, it is actually difficult for retail investors to get on the bus after getting off. Just like Sun Yuchen bought a large amount of Ethereum at around 3,100, and Ethereum later fell to more than 2,800, a group of people shouted that Sun Ge was a leek. The result is always slapped in the face. So now institutional buying is the same, they see Ethereum and Bitcoin in a big bull market. Market optimists predict that in this round of bull market, with the approval of the Ethereum ETF, Wall Street capital will enter the market crazily, which may push Ethereum to a peak of 14,000 US dollars. If this goal can be achieved, then Ethereum is now a bargain price. Once again, please hold it firmly.

I came across an article today, and I agree with one of the views in it. The entry of institutions such as BlackRock and holding a large amount of Bitcoin and Ethereum is definitely a good thing for boosting the bull market. It means that the bull market is unlikely to fall too much because they are laying the foundation. But if it reaches the peak of the bull market or enters a bear market, who will be the main seller? Of course, they are also. They are not here to do charity or to pull the market for the leeks, they are profit-seeking. So the current God of Wealth will also become a man-eating demon at some point in the second half of 25 years. At first, he will quietly cash out at a high position and leave. When discovered by the market, he will accelerate the selling and leave with profit. It is conceivable that at the end of 25 years or around the Spring Festival in 26 years, the entire currency circle will be a sea of ​​blood, the leeks will lose money crazily, and the wealth dreams of countless people will be shattered in an instant. We must deeply understand this and be prepared for it. Of course, I will remind you in time for the friends who join my circle that as long as you follow my investment ideas for long-term positions, it is actually quite difficult for you to lose money.

Before the start of May, I once said, hold on to the chips in your hand, the market in May will be driven by Ethereum. Halfway through, the market continued to pull back, which made me doubt my judgment and thought that the month was gone. But later this month, Ethereum suddenly passed the spot ETF, making the awesomeness I once boasted come true. The market has really started to take off. As a fundamentalist in Ethereum, I have always believed in Ethereum. We deserve this increase. What price will Ethereum reach in this bull market? I once said that it might reach 9,000 by the end of the year. I even think that this number is not his limit. It may be 10,000. So no matter where you get the Ethereum, please hold on to it. In the future, you will have as many Us of W as there are Ethereums. Isn’t it exciting to think about it?

People are chasing wealth all their lives, and the purpose of life is to make money. But after working hard all their lives, they lost a house. You can't make money by working hard, you can only solve the problem of food and clothing. Countless workers are at the bottom of this society. If you want to get rich, you must make the right choice. The cryptocurrency circle has given countless people the opportunity to realize their dreams of wealth. There is a wealth feast here every four years. From the lowest point to the highest point of the bear market, there is almost a 10-fold increase in wealth. If your wealth can be multiplied tenfold, do you think you can be free? For most people, it must be possible, but few people can eat this tenfold from beginning to end. After all, I have 500,000, and I may only have 250,000 chips, so this tenfold is only 5 times in total. So we may need to go through several bull and bear cycles.

Most of the cryptocurrency investors don't think highly of the 5-fold return. They have lofty ambitions and think that they enter the cryptocurrency circle to pick up money and achieve financial freedom. But the result is often that they lose everything. The more you want to make quick money in this circle, the more you will lose money. Only a very small number of people can make money in this circle. Fortunately, my circle belongs to this very small number. Our investment style may be calm, but we can ensure that we can make money in this bull market without losing money. I believe that after this bull market, when we enter the bear market and look at the bloody cryptocurrency circle, you will definitely thank yourself now because you have taken my investment advice. The wealth in the cryptocurrency circle, before cashing out, is like the moon in the mirror and the flowers in the water, which will break with a slight touch. It seems that there is gold all over the ground, but in fact, there are traps everywhere.

The European Cup will open on June 15th, and everyone's attention is naturally focused on the leading project in the sports track - CHZ. Every time such a large-scale event comes, CHZ will usher in a wave of gains. At the beginning of this month, I have already reminded everyone to lay out this project internally. However, recently many friends have asked me whether CHZ is worth buying. I must be honest and say that this is not the best time to enter the market. CHZ has experienced a wave of surges, and the market is extremely hot. With the opening of the European Cup, many investors may blindly follow suit.

In this case, we should analyze calmly and do the opposite of those blindly impulsive investors. Therefore, I suggest that you consider clearing out your CHZ before June 10th, regardless of profit or loss. If you still insist on holding, you may miss the best profit opportunity. Especially when the European Cup opens, the market may usher in a correction due to the "sell the news" effect. Investors who expect to buy at the bottom may find that they need to wait 1 to 2 years to get out of the trap.

CHZ is mainly a hotly hyped currency, lacking actual value support. The next 1~2 years are the golden period of this bull market. I suggest that you invest these funds in more promising projects, such as Ethereum or Sol, which is a wise investment choice. #CHZUSDT #BTC走势分析