These two are one after the other, and their methods are similar. The main force quickly and violently pulls up, and then slowly sells at high points. It is fast, accurate and ruthless. The dealer can use young models and yachts for many days, and the friends on the top of the mountain are left alone.

We all had a dream: it would be great if my coin could be doubled immediately after I bought it.

Now the dream has come true. The coin has been pulled up by dozens of points. The only difference is that you bought it after it was pulled up, not before it was pulled up.

This kind of 50 points in one minute must be bought by the dealer with large funds.

Then you look at the trend after one minute, some consecutive negative lines, what do you think they are doing?

If you want to chase high prices when this kind of coin is pulled up, you should be cautious.

The Koreans also play very dark games. Sure enough, capital accumulation is bloody. The darker the more money you can make. If you are not a little dark, you may not make much money, and you have to play yourself in as liquidity.

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