USDC issuer Circle just printed 250 million of its stablecoins. On the#Solanablockchain (in line with today’s announcement of the launch of a stablecoin from#PayPalon this blockchain).

I already wrote that 250 million $ is, of course, not the scale of#Tetherwith their #USDT. But these 250 million $ are most likely for the American segment of the crypto market. Key for the industry.

Although it will soon be difficult to draw clear conclusions - today#Circleannounced the start of work in Brazil. They signed partnership agreements with the largest investment bank in Latin America, BTG Pactual, and the famous digital bank Nubank. Circle's expansion into Brazil is part of the company's strategy to support growing demand for digital products and services around the world. And - the fight for championship with #Tether.

What about#Tetherthemselves? They have a new attack from Western media on the topic of use in sanctioned countries. This time from #Bloomberg. According to journalists, Russian companies have begun to use stablecoins for settlements with Chinese partners. And at least two large non-sanctioned steel mills (names withheld) have begun using#USDTin some cross-border settlements with Chinese customers and suppliers. In some cases, payments go through Hong Kong.