Does rolling a position sound like a magical way to make you rich easily with a small investment?

But in fact, there are huge risks behind rolling a position.

Rolling a position may seem simple, but it actually requires superb skills and great luck. It may only take a few days to learn how to roll a position, but it takes several months or even longer to hone your mentality.

Moreover, even if you have mastered the skills and mentality of rolling a position, luck is an indispensable factor. Take pie as an example. If it can rise to $100,000 in the future, the way and time of the rise are full of uncertainty.

If it is a unilateral rise, rolling a position may make you a lot of money; but if it is a volatile rise, rolling a position may make you lose all your money.

Therefore, rolling a position is not a stable investment method, but a high-risk and high-return gambling behavior. Although some people have become rich through rolling a position, such cases are after all a minority, and most people will only suffer heavy losses in the end.

Rolling a position is suitable for unilateral market conditions, and the judgment of technology and direction is extremely high. Although rolling a position sounds tempting, it is extremely risky in actual operation and is not suitable for most people. Investment should be based on stability. Don't blindly pursue high returns and ignore risks.

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