Interpretation of the sudden surge in DOGS:

The current market is extremely sluggish. Every time an exchange launches a new currency, it is almost impossible to escape the fate of falling. The market urgently needs a "golden dog" to break the deadlock and prove itself.

Secondly, many exchanges have launched DOGS, and its upward momentum is naturally in the common interests of all exchanges. Everyone works together to push it up.

Furthermore, the user base in the Telegram group is huge, and many users have received DOGS airdrops, but these airdrops are often limited in number, only a few dozen U. Faced with such a "little sweet", will they sell it easily?

No, not only will they not rush to sell, but they may be more optimistic about it and choose to buy more.

In addition, the entire cryptocurrency market is currently eager for a currency that can bring tenfold, one hundredfold or even one thousandfold increases to ignite enthusiasm and attract more newcomers to join. Only when such a well-known currency truly soars can it effectively stimulate the vitality of the market and inject fresh blood into the currency circle. And DOGS is such an opportunity with unlimited potential!

Finally, the market value of DOGS itself is not high, and 100% of it is fully circulated, which means that everyone has the opportunity to participate and work together to raise its price!

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