After the rise of Bitcoin in the evening yesterday, it has been showing a bearish trend today, resulting in a decline that reversed all the gains of yesterday, and the lowest price reached 67,500. The market stabilized slightly in the evening and rebounded to 68,900, but was blocked and fell back. Our Buju Bitcoin and Ethereum also entered the market many times. Bitcoin long and short positions totaled more than 3,800 points, and Ethereum long and short positions totaled more than 100 points. Our analysis accurately predicted the market trend, and the performance of Ethereum and Bitcoin was relatively consistent. The market is currently in a state of shock, and there has been no significant fluctuation. We continue to wait and see the changes in the trend in the evening.

From the current market, the opening point of the daily line is relatively high, and it is difficult to turn positive again. The four-hour line shows that the price range is stable between the middle and lower tracks of the Bollinger Bands, and the K line drops to the vicinity of the lower track. The KDJ indicator line has no signs of turning, and the afternoon pull-up may just be a signal to induce more. The one-hour line shows that it fell after the high in the evening, and it is currently showing a three-day trend. The KDJ indicator line indicates that a dead cross may form in the future, and the market outlook is still in a downward trend. Therefore, the evening operation is still mainly short, pay attention to the rebound strength after the decline.

Pie 68300-68600 direct short, target around 67300; Ethereum 3890-3910 direct short, target around 3790.

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