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#NOT策略 #热门文章 A must-see for newbies in the cryptocurrency world! $NOT suddenly surged. Do you know the story behind it? Friends in the cryptocurrency world! Were you surprised by the crazy increase of $NOT yesterday? It actually increased by 40%! However, don't rush to get excited, there may be some "little secrets" behind it! First of all, this surge looks like someone did it on purpose, maybe to "trick" those friends who do short-term trading. It's like you and your friends are playing poker, and someone secretly changed the cards, so that you lose badly. Many people who shorted $NOT had to sell because of this increase, just like being forced to hand over their chips. So, how did this market change come about? In fact, this is related to some "big players" in the cryptocurrency world. They sometimes use various means to influence prices, such as deliberately releasing false buying and selling information, or buying and selling in large quantities to control prices. These behaviors are called "market manipulation." As a novice in the cryptocurrency world, you may find these very complicated and difficult to understand. But it doesn't matter, as long as you remember a few points, you can better protect yourself: Learn more and understand how the market works. This way, you can better judge whether the price change is real or someone is doing it deliberately. Set an investment limit. Don't invest all your funds in one currency, so that even if the price drops sharply, you will not lose too much. Don't blindly follow the trend. You buy what you see others buy, which is easy to be exploited by "big players". Be vigilant about sudden price changes. If the price of a currency suddenly rises or falls sharply, don't rush to buy or sell it, observe for a while before making a decision. If you like spot, want to roll funds together, and hoard bull market spot Click on the avatar, follow me, share for free, and wait for you in the circle! In the current ups and downs of the market, blindly working alone will never bring opportunities! ! !

#NOT策略 #热门文章

A must-see for newbies in the cryptocurrency world! $NOT suddenly surged. Do you know the story behind it?

Friends in the cryptocurrency world! Were you surprised by the crazy increase of $NOT yesterday? It actually increased by 40%! However, don't rush to get excited, there may be some "little secrets" behind it!

First of all, this surge looks like someone did it on purpose, maybe to "trick" those friends who do short-term trading. It's like you and your friends are playing poker, and someone secretly changed the cards, so that you lose badly. Many people who shorted $NOT had to sell because of this increase, just like being forced to hand over their chips.

So, how did this market change come about? In fact, this is related to some "big players" in the cryptocurrency world. They sometimes use various means to influence prices, such as deliberately releasing false buying and selling information, or buying and selling in large quantities to control prices. These behaviors are called "market manipulation."

As a novice in the cryptocurrency world, you may find these very complicated and difficult to understand. But it doesn't matter, as long as you remember a few points, you can better protect yourself:

Learn more and understand how the market works. This way, you can better judge whether the price change is real or someone is doing it deliberately.

Set an investment limit. Don't invest all your funds in one currency, so that even if the price drops sharply, you will not lose too much.

Don't blindly follow the trend. You buy what you see others buy, which is easy to be exploited by "big players".

Be vigilant about sudden price changes. If the price of a currency suddenly rises or falls sharply, don't rush to buy or sell it, observe for a while before making a decision.

If you like spot, want to roll funds together, and hoard bull market spot

Click on the avatar, follow me, share for free, and wait for you in the circle!

In the current ups and downs of the market, blindly working alone will never bring opportunities! ! !

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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#BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 加密币市场纵览! 市场动态 当前总市值高达2.74万亿,较昨日上涨2.38%,展现出了市场的活力与韧性。而24小时内的交易量更是激增,达到800.9亿,涨幅高达54.2%,市场热情可见一斑。 比特币(BTC)风采依旧 BTC的价格依然稳定在69,820的高位,24小时内上涨2.43%。其市值占据了市场的半壁江山,高达1.38万亿,占比50.3%。24小时交易量也达到了惊人的107.2亿美元,涨幅13.4%,证明了BTC在全球加密货币市场的核心地位。 以太坊(ETH)紧随其后 ETH的价格也达到了3,825,尽管24小时涨幅仅为0.762%,但其市值依然高达4595.5亿,占比16.8%。24小时交易量为72.2亿美元,涨幅9.01%,表明ETH在市场上的地位依然稳固。 比特币ETF表现抢眼 截至2024年5月31日,比特币ETF的日均净流入高达4873.8万美元,日均交易量达到17.3亿美元,总净资产更是达到了579.4亿美元。ETF净资产比率达到4.34%,显示出投资者对加密货币市场的信心与期待。 ETF净流入/流出数据揭晓 IBIT和FBTC分别实现了1.69亿和5904.7万美元的净流入,而HODL和GBTC则分别出现了190.86万和1.24亿美元的净流出。这些数据背后,是市场对各个ETF的信心与选择。 行业变化风起云涌 CeFi、GameFi和SocialFi成为涨幅前三的行业,分别实现了4.79%、2.63%和2.54%的涨幅。而DeFi、RWA和其他行业则出现了不同程度的下跌。 今日热门代币一览 GME、WOZX、ALICE、LFT和NOM成为今日涨幅前五的代币,分别实现了165%、73.9%、65.7%、42.5%和30.8%的涨幅。这些代币的强势表现,无疑为加密货币市场注入了新的活力。 喜欢现货,想一起滚资金,屯牛市现货的 点击头像,关注我,无偿分享,圈内等你! 在当前起伏的市场变化中,盲目单干永远不会带来机会!!!
#alice ALICE币势如破竹,掀起加密市场热潮🚀 今日,ALICE币的涨幅犹如火箭升空,高达惊人的50%!这款名为“My Neighbor Alice”的代币正迅速成为市场焦点。接下来,让我们一同探寻这款代币背后的魅力,为何它是你绝不能错过的投资机遇。 解密ALICE:虚拟世界的财富密码 My Neighbor Alice不仅仅是一款多人建造游戏,它更是一个融合了娱乐与投资双重价值的虚拟世界。在这个世界里,你可以购买并拥有属于自己的虚拟岛屿,收集和打造独一无二的物品,还能结识志同道合的玩家。它借鉴了《动物森友会》等热门游戏的精髓,并结合了NFT(非同质化代币)的创新技术,为玩家带来了前所未有的游戏体验与投资机遇。 市场风起云涌,ALICE独领风骚 当前,加密货币市场风起云涌,而ALICE币却能够独树一帜,成为市场的领头羊。它的涨幅不仅令人瞩目,更引发了市场的广泛关注。那么,为何ALICE能够如此强势崛起? 首先,它拥有独特的游戏玩法和创新的NFT技术,为玩家提供了真实可感的投资回报。其次,ALICE币的市场表现强劲,今日涨幅高达49%,预示着其未来有着巨大的增长潜力。最后,随着市场对NFT技术的认知逐渐加深,ALICE币有望在未来成为加密货币市场的领军者。 投资ALICE:把握未来财富机遇 对于投资者而言,ALICE币无疑是一个充满机遇的投资选择。它不仅具有强大的市场潜力,更拥有独特的投资价值和广泛的应用场景。在这个虚拟世界中,你可以通过自己的努力和智慧,打造出独一无二的财富帝国。 我们有理由相信,ALICE币将会在未来继续保持强劲的涨势,为投资者带来更多的收益和惊喜。如果你也想把握这个充满机遇的财富时代,那么不妨关注ALICE币的市场动态,并积极参与其中吧! 作为一个在币圈摸爬滚打多年的投资者,我愿意与你分享我的经验和见解。如果你对币圈感兴趣,但不知道该如何下手,不妨关注我的主页,与我一同探讨币圈的奥秘和未来的可能性,点点头像介绍找到我。
#热门趋势 #币圈资讯 惊人! 揭秘! 这10大加密货币过去7天涨疯了!你错过了吗?你选对了吗?你入手了吗? 令人咋舌! 币圈的新朋友们!最近是不是被各种加密货币的涨跌弄得眼花缭乱?别担心,我这就来给你们揭秘一下,过去7天里,全球前500名加密货币中,哪些小家伙们涨得最猛! NOT币:这家伙可不得了,短短7天涨了362.58%!就像坐过山车一样,一路飙升,让人惊叹不已! MNTC币:虽然没有NOT那么疯狂,但也涨了175.96%!就像一匹黑马,悄悄崭露头角。 WZRD币:这个币也很给力,涨幅达到了90.89%!感觉就像突然捡到了个宝藏一样,开心得不得了! DOG币:别看它名字可爱,涨幅可是很凶猛的,达到了80.52%!是不是觉得像个小狗一样,活力四射? ANDY币:紧跟其后,涨了78.62%!这个币也是潜力无限! TOSHI币:涨幅74.77%!虽然排名稍微靠后一点,但表现也很抢眼!ALICE币:这个名字听起来就很优雅,涨幅也有62.12%! 感觉就像是个优雅的舞者,在舞台上尽情绽放。 HIGH币:就像它的名字一样,涨幅高达55.73%!让人看了都忍不住想喊一句:“HIGH起来! ”PEOPLE币:这个币涨得也不错,有39.66%!感觉就像和大家一起分享成功的喜悦一样,让人倍感亲切。 STG币:虽然排在最后一位,但涨幅也有37.40%!也是很不错的表现! 看完这些涨幅惊人的加密货币,你是不是也心动了呢? 战神最近也在埋伏一个即将爆发的币种,短线30%,长线5-8倍左右,还是那句话,如果你主动来找我,我带你上岸,你尽管躺平就好, 留言999!!!#5月非农数据即将公布 #Velocore漏洞事件 #NOT🔥🔥🔥 战神不会让我的粉丝在这轮牛市踏空! 这是实话

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