The reason behind the United States' eagerness to approve the Ethereum ETF is not just as simple as economic interests, it also involves the grand strategy of the return of the US dollar.

First, the asset size of the Bitcoin ETF has reached an astonishing $55 billion, equivalent to the foreign exchange reserves of some countries, showing its huge potential in absorbing the US dollar.

And some domestic institutions choose to buy Bitcoin ETFs in the United States with US dollars, which undoubtedly further enhances the status of the US dollar.

Secondly, the United States has been delaying interest rate cuts because high interest rates are an effective means to attract capital inflows.

When other countries have lower interest rates, capital will naturally flow to the United States with higher interest rates.

In addition, despite the risks of high inflation, high interest rates and economic recession, the continued rise of US stocks has become an important factor in attracting global funds.

Finally, the launch of the Ethereum ETF will not only further expand the scale of the cryptocurrency market, but also accelerate the return of the US dollar.

Once the Ethereum ETF performs well, it is expected that more cryptocurrency ETFs will follow, forming a huge system for absorbing the US dollar.

The return of the US dollar is an important strategic goal of the United States, and the launch of the Ethereum ETF is just one of the means.