Brothers, yesterday's deduction was accurate again. The daily support supported the air force's offensive, and after hitting the daily support, it ushered in a wave of rebound.

Today, I will share with you the overall idea of ​​Bitcoin. Although Bitcoin supported the daily line yesterday, the bulls are still on the verge of life and death. Today, Bitcoin has only one strategy: when the four-hour level closes, it stands above 69141u, and the stop loss price is set at 68412u. The target price is first 69622u, and then 70147u. (The current daily support level is also a long-short frame. After breaking the position, it means that the daily line has entered a correction again)

It should be said that this market is really disgusting, but the shape of Ethereum is rarely better than Bitcoin, and it is much better! Let's go straight to the strategy: when the four-hour level falls back, as long as it does not fall below 3790u, you can go long, the stop loss price is set at 3733u, and the target price is first 3940u.

At least from a technical analysis, the bullish forces of Ethereum are much stronger than Bitcoin, and the strength and cost-effectiveness of trading are also better than Bitcoin. Everyone can focus on the second brother. After all, where there is money to be made, there you can see me and my brothers hahaha.

If you understand, do it. If you don’t understand, leave a message. I’ll wait for you in the comment area….

#BTC走势分析 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #灯塔行情推演