#sol趋势 #solana批量发送 #sol批量转账 #spl代币批量转账 #solana链代币批量转账

Automated batch transfers & airdrops ensure efficient project operation.

In today's rapidly evolving cryptocurrency landscape, the Solana blockchain stands out for its superior performance and strong technical foundation. As a high-throughput blockchain platform, Solana is capable of processing tens of thousands of transactions per second, significantly surpassing traditional blockchain technology. This significant performance advantage stems from its unique consensus mechanism - Proof of History (PoH). This mechanism, combined with Proof of Stake (PoS), not only ensures the security of the network, but also greatly improves processing speed. speed.

In addition to high throughput, Solana has also attracted widespread attention for its extremely low transaction fees. This feature makes it possible to conduct micro-transactions without worrying about high fees, providing tremendous flexibility for developers and businesses. These features make Solana an ideal platform for building a variety of applications from simple payment systems to complex decentralized applications (DApps).

Therefore, both small startups and large enterprises can find value in Solana and use its fast and low-cost features to develop solutions that meet the needs of the modern market. This combination of speed, cost efficiency and scalability has given Solana a place in the global blockchain competition, providing developers and enterprises with a new platform full of possibilities.

In order to explore the implementation of batch transfers, we need to understand the underlying logic on the Solana chain.

1. Solana’s transaction structure

Every transaction on the Solana blockchain consists of a set of instructions that define the behavior of the transaction, such as transferring money or calling a smart contract. Each instruction contains multiple fields, mainly including:

  • Account address: each account involved in the transaction.

  • Signer: The signature information required for the transaction.

  • Data: Data necessary to execute instructions.

2. Transaction size limit

Solana has a hard limit on the size of a single transaction, currently 1232 bytes. This limit ensures that the network can process a large number of transactions quickly while preventing a single transaction from being too large and affecting the performance of the entire network.

3. Restrictions on bulk transfers

When performing batch transfers, each transfer requires a certain amount of byte space. For example, a simple SOL transfer may include:

  • Source and destination account addresses: two public key addresses, each about 32 bytes.

  • Transaction signature: Each signature may be about 64 bytes.

  • Additional transaction metadata: including timestamp, transaction sequence number, etc.

When a transaction attempts to include more transfers than can be processed within the 1232-byte limit, the transaction fails due to exceeding the maximum transaction size. As you mentioned, the maximum number of transfers per batch is different for different types of recipients:

  • Addresses that have received tokens: Since the Solana network already has a record of these addresses, less data is required to process these transfers.

  • Addresses that have never received tokens: Additional data is required to process this type of transfer, such as information on creating and initializing accounts, so the number of transfers that can be processed in each batch is relatively small.

4. Optimization strategy

In order to maximize the number of transfers in each transaction, the following optimization measures can be taken:

  • Batching: Intelligently execute transactions in batches, ensuring that each batch does not exceed the byte limit.

  • Data compression: Reduce the size of transaction data as much as possible, such as using more efficient encoding methods.

  • Parallel processing: Send multiple transactions at the same time, increasing processing speed and throughput in parallel.

5. Optimal parameters (recommended upper limit of addresses for a single batch transfer)

  • Transfer to Sol: Maximum 19 transactions per batch

  • Addresses that have received transferred tokens: up to 19 per batch

  • Addresses that have not received token transfers: up to 9 transactions per batch

Visualization Solutions

SlerfTools provides users with a simple and efficient solution that automatically optimizes transaction size and batch processing to ensure that each transaction can be executed smoothly within Solana's byte limit. Specifically, SlerfTools can automatically run multiple batches to accommodate different recipient types - whether it is an address that has already received tokens or a new address.

  • Automated batch processing: Slerf.tools can automatically batch transactions to ensure that each batch is within a safe quantity limit, thereby avoiding the risk of failure.

  • User-friendly interface: Provides a simple and clear user interface, allowing users to easily set up and perform large transfers and airdrops.

  • Enhanced Monitoring and Reporting: Track transaction status in real time, providing users with clear feedback and detailed transaction records.


Using SlerfTools to perform batch transfers costs only 0.008 SOL per batch. This low fee makes SlerfTools one of the most cost-effective solutions on the market, ideal for users and projects that need to frequently perform large-scale transfers and airdrops.

How to get started:

  1. Visit slerf.tools

  2. Link your wallet.

  3. Follow the instructions on the page to manually or batch import the addresses to be transferred.

  4. Review data, execute actions, and track progress in real time.

in conclusion:

In the rapidly growing Solana ecosystem, SlerfTools provides an economical and efficient way for your project to better connect and expand its user base through batch transfers and airdrops. We encourage all users and projects that need such services to try SlerfTools and experience the unparalleled efficiency and cost advantages.

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We look forward to your participation and feedback to jointly promote the development and efficiency of the Solana ecosystem.