#Solana加池子 #Liquidity #Raydium #solanasummer


Solana Raydium has been unable to display liquidity after creating it, and slerftools removes liquidity without delay burning.

The Importance of Liquidity on Solana

We will analyze the liquidity pool (LP) from 3 dimensions to help you understand the principles and functions of liquidity.

Liquidity explained in depth

Liquidity is a measure of an asset's ability to be bought and sold quickly without significantly affecting the market price. Highly liquid markets mean assets can be sold quickly and without significant discounts, which is a key indicator of financial market stability and efficiency. For example, mainstream cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin generally have high liquidity due to their wide market acceptance and support from a large number of trading venues.

How the liquidity pool works in detail

Liquidity pools are an innovative market structure in decentralized finance (DeFi) that allow assets to be traded freely without traditional market makers. These pools automatically adjust asset prices through algorithms to keep asset ratios balanced. Participants deposit peer-to-peer asset pairs into the pool to support the trading needs of other users, and in return, they earn income from transaction fees.

The benefits and potential risks of providing liquidity

In addition to earning transaction fees, providing liquidity also enhances the depth and breadth of the market and promotes price stability. However, the main risk faced by liquidity providers is impermanent loss, that is, the value of assets deposited in the fund pool may be lower than the market price during extreme market fluctuations. In addition, liquidity providers also need to pay attention to potential smart contract risks, that is, possible security vulnerabilities in the contract code.

What is Raydium? What role does it play in Solana?


Raydium (RAY for short) is an automated market maker (AMM) based on Solana that enables fast trading and liquidity sharing by integrating with Serum DEX and leveraging a central order book. As a core component of the Solana ecosystem, Raydium not only supports the launch of new projects, but also promotes cross-chain transactions and optimizes the DeFi application experience. Its efficient trading mechanism is particularly suitable for handling large-scale transactions, ensuring low transaction fees and fast confirmation, providing users with a stable and reliable trading platform.

How to create liquidity in Raydium

The basic principle of creating liquidity on Raydium involves the automated market maker (AMM) model. Users deposit two assets (such as SOL and RAY) into a preset liquidity pool, and the ratio of these assets determines the transaction price. When other users trade on Raydium, they interact with this liquidity pool instead of directly trading with other buyers or sellers. Liquidity providers (i.e. users who deposit assets) are rewarded from transaction fees for providing liquidity. This model not only speeds up the trading process, but also improves the liquidity and efficiency of the market.

The process of creating a liquidity pool on Raydium

On Raydium, any user can create permissionless liquidity pools, which makes liquidity provision more open and accessible. Once created, these pools are immediately available on Raydium's trading platform, enabling fast asset exchange.

The key steps to create a liquidity pool include:

  1. Get the OpenBook market ID: This is the first step in creating a liquidity pool and needs to be done on a specific web page.

  2. Setting trading parameters: including minimum order size and the smallest unit of price movement, these parameters are crucial to ensure smooth trading and market stability.

  3. Initializing the liquidity pool: involves confirming transactions in the wallet, ensuring funds are correctly configured and starting the pool.

pay attention:

  1. If the total liquidity falls below a certain standard, the system may suspend trading until the minimum standard is met.

  2. Creating a liquidity pool is a multi-step process, including interaction with OpenBook to ensure uniqueness of market IDs.

Reasons for delay in display after Raydium creates liquidity

Display delay is a common phenomenon after Raydium creates liquidity, and its reasons can be understood and analyzed from several different perspectives.

  1. Network congestion and data processing: Although the Solana network has a fast processing speed, a large number of transaction requests may cause network congestion during peak trading periods. At this time, the data of transactions and liquidity updates need to queue up for processing, which will cause delays in updating the information displayed on the user interface.

  2. Data synchronization delay: From the on-chain data to the user interface of the trading platform, multiple steps of data synchronization are required. This includes data verification, recording, and final display. Each step may introduce delays, especially when the amount of data is large.

  3. System response time: If there is a sudden increase in activity in the liquidity pool, such as a rapid inflow or outflow of large amounts of funds, the system will need additional time to process these complex changes and correctly reflect them in the trading interface.

Currently, the delay time after Raydium creates liquidity can range from as fast as five minutes to several hours. In order to reduce the potential impact caused by this, third-party tools such as AVE or SlerfTools can be used to monitor liquidity status in real time. These tools provide instant liquidity detection services by directly calling on-chain data, helping users to view, add, burn and remove liquidity operations in real time.

How to solve the display delay problem after creating liquidity

The problem of delay after Raydium creates liquidity cannot be handled at the user level at present, but the latest news is that Raydium is developing the V3 Beta version. It is believed that this problem will be improved after the new version is launched.


If you want to view the created liquidity and other information at the first time, you can view it through the third-party SlerfTools. At the same time, SlerfTools also supports 0.29SOL to create OpenBook ID, create tokens, create liquidity, remove liquidity without delay, burn liquidity, batch generate wallets, batch transfer and other functions.

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