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Binance once again set the industry on fire with Megadrop, a token launch platform that combines Simple Earn with Web3 wallet functions. Megadrop provides users with an unprecedented opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge and exposure to selected Web3 projects before they are launched. Megadrop: A new era of airdrop experience Megadrop not only simplifies the participation process, but also provides a wealth of Web3 educational resources and reward mechanisms. Users can win generous rewards by locking BNB, completing tasks, etc., while improving their understanding of Web3 technology. Four major advantages First-hand opportunity: Users can get in touch with potential projects in advance and gain insight into market trends. Integrated service: From locking to receiving rewards, a one-stop experience. Knowledge and practice in parallel: Provide educational resources and encourage practical application. Fairness and transparency: A performance-based reward mechanism ensures that every participant receives a fair return. How to participate Users need to subscribe to Simple Earn's fixed-term products and lock BNB to accumulate points. At the same time, completing Web3 tasks can increase rewards. Users without BNB can still participate, but the rewards are smaller. Latest Project: Lista (LISTA) Lista, a new project launched by Megadrop, is a liquidity system and decentralized stablecoin protocol. Users can participate in the project by staking BNB and completing Web3 tasks, and have the opportunity to receive LISTA token rewards. Conclusion As an innovative move by Binance, Megadrop not only provides users with a new way to access Web3 projects, but also plays an important role in promoting industry innovation and popularizing Web3 technology. Let us look forward to Megadrop's wonderful performance in the future! #MegadropLista

Binance once again set the industry on fire with Megadrop, a token launch platform that combines Simple Earn with Web3 wallet functions. Megadrop provides users with an unprecedented opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge and exposure to selected Web3 projects before they are launched.

Megadrop: A new era of airdrop experience

Megadrop not only simplifies the participation process, but also provides a wealth of Web3 educational resources and reward mechanisms. Users can win generous rewards by locking BNB, completing tasks, etc., while improving their understanding of Web3 technology.

Four major advantages

First-hand opportunity: Users can get in touch with potential projects in advance and gain insight into market trends.

Integrated service: From locking to receiving rewards, a one-stop experience.

Knowledge and practice in parallel: Provide educational resources and encourage practical application.

Fairness and transparency: A performance-based reward mechanism ensures that every participant receives a fair return.

How to participate

Users need to subscribe to Simple Earn's fixed-term products and lock BNB to accumulate points. At the same time, completing Web3 tasks can increase rewards. Users without BNB can still participate, but the rewards are smaller.

Latest Project: Lista (LISTA)

Lista, a new project launched by Megadrop, is a liquidity system and decentralized stablecoin protocol. Users can participate in the project by staking BNB and completing Web3 tasks, and have the opportunity to receive LISTA token rewards.


As an innovative move by Binance, Megadrop not only provides users with a new way to access Web3 projects, but also plays an important role in promoting industry innovation and popularizing Web3 technology. Let us look forward to Megadrop's wonderful performance in the future! #MegadropLista

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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#撸毛攻略 【鸟叔教你手把手撸毛—如何参与Binance Megadrop】 朋友,准备好了吗?让我们一起来参与Binance Megadrop,这是Binance为我们带来的又一个独特的冒险! 1. 首先,创建一个Binance Web3钱包。 如果你已经有一个了,继续往下看吧。 2. 获取一些BNB你需要它们来完成任务。 3. 连接你的Binance Web3钱包到lista。 这是一个简单的步骤,但是很关键。如图所示,首先进入binance主界面,点击megadrop,然后按图要求参与 4. 存入一些BNB到LISTA 。 你需要至少0.01BNB来支付交易费用。 5. 把你的BNB锁仓到Binance Simple Earn的BNB Locked Products。时间越长,奖励越丰富 这会增加你的得分。 6. 完成Web3任务。 它们会让你的得分变得更大。 7. 计算你的总分。 Total Score = (Locked BNB Score * Web3 Quest Multiplier) + Web3 Quest Bonus 8. 等待你的奖励。 你的奖励取决于你的总分,和其他所有合格参与者的总分。 9. 享受你的Binance Megadrop之旅。 这是一个充满冒险和收获的旅程。 小贴士: 1. 确保你的Binance账户经过KYC认证。 2. 确保你的Binance Web3钱包满足所有要求。 3. 确保你有足够的BNB来完成所有任务。 4. 确保你按时完成任务。 5. 享受这个独特的体验! 希望这篇教程可以帮助你成功地参与Binance Megadrop。祝你好运! 最后,记得,在Binance Megadrop的冒险之旅中,无论是收获还是失败,都是一次独特的学习体验。所以,不管结果如何,一定要享受这个过程!#MegadropLista #Megadrop攻略
#鸟叔投研 🦜 #短的投研 【究级缝合怪—MANTA CeDeFi】 嗨!友友们,我是鸟叔🦜。defi 这个概念想必大家在不少场合下都对其有所耳闻,但是defi的衍生物CeDeFi又有多少人听说过呢。听鸟叔给你们娓娓道来,先说结论,manta 可以趁早布局,目标星辰大海!#MantaRWA生态 Manta Network是一个以隐私保护为核心的去中心化金融(DeFi)项目,运用零知识证明(zk-SNARKs)技术为用户提供强大的隐私保护。其生态系统中的核心产品Manta CeDeFi,融合了CeFi(中心化金融)和DeFi的优点,为用户提供更安全、便捷的金融服务。 在大部分l2都在内卷的今天,安全性是每一个投资者最关心的问题,Manta Network通过零知识证明技术满足市场对隐私交易的需求而CeFi在安全性和用户体验方面仍具优势,Manta CeDeFi将两者结合,为用户提供全面的解决方案。 CeDeFi支持投资者将主流的数字货币存入平台,包括BTC、ETH、STONE、USDT、USDC以及wUSDM等。这意味着投资者可以灵活地选择他们想要投资的资产,并获得相应的投资回报。投资者可以获得机构级的收益及资金费率套利收益。当前,BTC和ETH的币本位年化收益率(APY)达到了5.6%,而USDT和USDC的币本位APY更是高达17.5%。这样的高利率也吸引着无数投资者为其疯狂。 在内卷化严重的今天,选择这样的产品不失为一种中庸之道,鸟叔相信,现在一定是布局MANTA的最好时机 $MANTA
Merlin链,在数字世界中宛如一段悠扬的旋律,自由地在广阔的区块链海洋中漂浮。这不仅是一项技术的革新,更是一个全新世界观的启示,传达着对未来的无限憧憬和美好的幻想。 在这个充满奇迹的世界里,Merlin链像是一位智慧的巫师,以其独特的魔法,创造出一个既安全又高效的数字王国。它采用了一种前所未有的共识机制,确保了数据的不可篡改性和系统的去中心化,每一次交易,都仿佛是星空中的一次绚烂烟花,记录着人类对美好生活的无尽追求。 在Merlin链的世界里,每一个角落都散发着清新的气息。它不仅给开发者提供了一个广阔的平台,让他们能够自由地创造、探索、实现自己的梦想,也给普通用户带来了前所未有的体验。在这里,你可以见证数字资产的诞生、成长、流转,每一次交易,都充满了对未来技术的期待和对生活美好的向往。 但Merlin链的魅力,不仅停留在其技术层面。更加令人着迷的,是它背后蕴含的理念。在这个由Merlin链构建的新世界里,每一个个体都被视为一个独立的宇宙,他们的价值被充分认可和尊重。这是一个强调个体价值、主张数据自由、提倡共生共荣的世界,每个人都是这个世界的共同创造者,共同书写着这个数字世界的未来篇章。 随着时间的流逝,Merlin链将会继续在这片数字大陆上探索和前行,它的旅程永远充满了未知和惊喜。我们有理由相信,Merlin链将会成为连接现实与未来,人类与技术,个体与世界的桥梁,引领我们进入一个更加美好、更加智慧、更加自由的新时代。 在这个充满希望的旅程中,让我们持续关注Merlin链的每一步成长,期待它带给我们更多的故事和启示。在Merlin链的引领下,未来的数字世界,必将是一个充满清新气息、智慧光芒的美妙世界。

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