At present, the entire market is in an extremely optimistic mood. Most people are betting that the Ethereum spot ETF can be passed today, and the expected passing rate of the entire market has reached 66%.

In fact, it is quite confusing. Where does their confidence come from?

The probability of Ethereum spot ETF passing in May is less than 40%. The most likely result is that only the 19b-4 document will be passed, and another important document S-1 will take longer.

In other words, this time it is highly likely that it will not be rejected, but postponed, and some positive news will be released on the premise of not passing.

We all know that this time the SEC's regulatory attitude towards cryptocurrencies has taken a 180-degree turn, not that they recognize cryptocurrencies.

"The Democratic Party cares more about votes"

Through the CZ incident, we know that both the SEC and the CFTC are beneficiaries.

Power is so fascinating. What will happen if the SEC is seized? Of course, they will not admit it.

Today, the chairman of the SEC publicly expressed his opposition to the above bill.

So this bill directly gives the management power to the CFTC.

When looking for information today, I accidentally found that the Democratic Party also agreed to the bill, but the government issued a document to express opposition.

For the cryptocurrency circle, it is good news. We just need to quietly enjoy the benefits brought to us by cryptocurrency.

But tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for the cryptocurrency circle. Many friends will probably stay up late waiting for news.

Before the final result comes out, the market will fluctuate violently, and everyone must be mentally prepared.

In fact, after the news comes out, you can know the content of the news by looking at the rise and fall of the market.

Remember, if it does not pass, you don’t have to panic. Falling may be our last chance to enter the market;

If it passes, we will wait for the opportunity to get on the right side. After all, Ethereum is going to 9,000, and the difference between buying at 4,000 or 5,000 is not very big.

For more exchanges, see Zhuye

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #美众议院通过FIT21法案 #5月市场关键事件 #ETH #热门趋势 $ETH