The market is actually boring, shaking back and forth, and there is no entry point with a high loss ratio, so you can just pull the egg off casually.

Let's talk about the early OTC withdrawals in the cryptocurrency circle.

Before 2017, there was actually no formal withdrawal channel in the circle. At that time, the more popular one was the Penguin intermediary withdrawal. The intermediary brother charged haha, and the amount was relatively large, which was 1% of the total amount. The intermediary first talked to both parties through a zoom meeting, and then made an appointment to meet in person. But there are great risks here. At that time, there were some black intermediaries, and Xiaobai didn't understand. They would take people to their cars or places with cameras to rob money or hardware wallets. This kind of thing is very common in the cryptocurrency circle. For example, the recent Bali murder was to rob BTC hardware wallets.

This circle is very common, and a considerable number of participants are black industry practitioners. These people are all bad, so everyone should be as careful as possible. Let's talk about myself. I once withdrew money, and the person in charge found a Sichuan buddy buyer for me and asked me to go to Chengdu for face-to-face transaction, so I went. After arriving at the place, the person in charge comforted me to meet at a bath center. I confirmed at that time that I should go to the bank to miss you. The middleman and the proverb said that because the withdrawal requires one hand to hand over the money and the other hand to hand over the goods, both parties must verify in person. Go to the bank and take a notebook to mutter in the lobby. People in the currency circle are sneaky and want to attract the attention of bank staff. Finally, call the police, and it will be very troublesome later. So I went to the bath center because both parties were serious and could not hide things. I heard it and it made sense, so I went.

When I arrived at the bath center, the other party took a schoolbag of cash and gave me a money counting machine. Both parties checked each other, and finally the transaction went smoothly. After everything, the other party invited me for a massage. I was holding a schoolbag of cash at the time, thinking about doing other things, and just wanted to deposit the money into the bank card quickly, so I ran away. After this transaction, I got to know the other party. Later, we traded several more times, all of which went smoothly. Now I have several money counting machines sent by the other party at home. The boss of that place has also become my friend. We often contact each other later. Now I have opened a business in the United States. I don’t know what the middleman brother is doing. I want to ask if everyone likes it. This is my early experience of withdrawing money from the bath center. It is a very interesting experience.(Repost)


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