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A New Era of Programming: ChatGPT Transforms the Art of Programming ChatGPT has grown from a simple chatbot to a virus creation machine The study also found significant improvements in ChatGPT capabilities compared to previous versions. ChatGPT 4.0 handled the task of writing the program and helped in debugging the code without any objections. The author of the experiment used ChatGPT to write code in C and contacted ChatGPT for help when compilation errors occurred. ChatGPT provided explanations and troubleshooting tips, finding alternative solutions when the original ones didn't work. This interaction with the chatbot allowed the author to write and debug a functional ransomware program in C almost without wasting time ChatGPT 4.0 writes a C program to encrypt a single file (left), then modifies the program to encrypt a directory (right) However, despite the findings, the study's author emphasizes that human-written ransomware remains the top cybersecurity threat to businesses today. ChatGPT may be less useful for professional cybercriminals than for complete beginners in this area. However, the study shows that ChatGPT can lower the barrier to entry into cybercrime, allowing people with less skill to create original malware or experienced people to do it faster. Let us recall that in January, CyberArk Labs analysts described how to create polymorphic malware using ChatGPT. They bypassed ChatGPT's content filters and showed how “with minimal effort, you can continuously query ChatGPT for a unique, functional, and proven piece of code. An attacker can create polymorphic malware that is undetectable by security tools and leaves no memory traces. #BinanceTournament #BinanceSquare #GPT-4 #ETH #GPT $BNB $BTC $ETH

A New Era of Programming: ChatGPT Transforms the Art of Programming

ChatGPT has grown from a simple chatbot to a virus creation machine

The study also found significant improvements in ChatGPT capabilities compared to previous versions. ChatGPT 4.0 handled the task of writing the program and helped in debugging the code without any objections.

The author of the experiment used ChatGPT to write code in C and contacted ChatGPT for help when compilation errors occurred. ChatGPT provided explanations and troubleshooting tips, finding alternative solutions when the original ones didn't work. This interaction with the chatbot allowed the author to write and debug a functional ransomware program in C almost without wasting time

ChatGPT 4.0 writes a C program to encrypt a single file (left), then modifies the program to encrypt a directory (right)

However, despite the findings, the study's author emphasizes that human-written ransomware remains the top cybersecurity threat to businesses today.

ChatGPT may be less useful for professional cybercriminals than for complete beginners in this area. However, the study shows that ChatGPT can lower the barrier to entry into cybercrime, allowing people with less skill to create original malware or experienced people to do it faster.

Let us recall that in January, CyberArk Labs analysts described how to create polymorphic malware using ChatGPT. They bypassed ChatGPT's content filters and showed how “with minimal effort, you can continuously query ChatGPT for a unique, functional, and proven piece of code. An attacker can create polymorphic malware that is undetectable by security tools and leaves no memory traces.

#BinanceTournament #BinanceSquare #GPT-4 #ETH #GPT


Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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