1: The SEC's probability of passing Ethereum's ETF on May 23rd has risen rapidly to 75%. Why?

The US election is imminent. Trump and Biden are candidates. Trump is born to love cryptocurrency and cheers louder. Biden is a hawk. In order to win Trump's votes, he had to use his power to gain more support for him.

2: What time will the SEC decide on the Ethereum ETF on the 23rd?

It should be between 2 and 4 am on the 24th, Beijing time.

3: Is the 75% chance of passing high?

Logically, it has reached a very high level, but there is still a 25% chance of not passing. We have to wait for the data for details.

If you are just playing the band, you can reduce your position when it is high, and ignore the long-term. When spring comes, the flowers will bloom!

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#以太坊ETF批准预期 #5月市场关键事件 #机构积极投资比特币ETF