Today, Binance changed its listing strategy, but we retail investors must stay sober.

From the beginning to now, 99.9% of the projects in the cryptocurrency circle are used to cut leeks.

These coins are essentially not profitable. In other words, anyone can issue a coin at will, and the total amount remains the same as these project parties. There is no difference between your coin and the coin issued by the project party. The difference is that they have resources and exchange relationships to arrange for the listing of coins, and you can only choose to take over.

All these new coins are 100% high-purity Himalayan air. The purpose of these project parties is to issue a coin at zero cost. Regardless of whether it is 10% or 100% in circulation, they are all distributed to retail investors at a high price of hundreds of millions of US dollars.

They give you air in exchange for your BTC and your US dollars, and they spend money on you. They use your money to buy villas and luxury cars, and sell you the air in their hands crazily, and then they also pua you on Twitter, and work with the exchange to paint a big cake for you so that you can hold it.

When the money is almost spent, we will sell the project's Twitter account, and then find an exchange to issue a new coin, which may be valued at 1 billion US dollars.

What? I heard that the leeks have woken up and are not willing to take over the 10% circulating new coin?

Then follow their wishes and issue them a 100% circulating new coin! We will use their US dollars to exchange for BTC and continue to have yachts, young models, luxury cars and mansions!

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge and first-hand cutting-edge information of the currency circle, pay attention to Tianmeng. Junyangli publishes market analysis and recommends high-quality potential currencies every day.

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