Thanks to the fans for reminding me. I almost forgot that next week, Wednesday, May 22, will be the date for the release of the first quarter 2024 financial report of Nvidia, a new US tech giant.

Of course, will Nvidia's financial report affect the trend of US stocks next week, or even affect the crypto market? It is estimated to be difficult. First of all, although Nvidia itself is in a good profit state, it is affected by US regulatory policies. Whether it meets expectations and whether there will be more restrictions on Nvidia in the future will cause investors to worry.

Secondly, whether Nvidia will boost the rise of US stocks depends on the overall environment. If there is no major negative news in the macro aspect and the US stock market remains volatile, Nvidia can lead the technology stocks to help the US stock market rise and boost sentiment, but whether this sentiment can continue to the crypto market is a bit difficult.

After all, the market also received feedback during the concentrated outbreak of technology stock earnings reports, and the effect on the US stock market itself was minimal, not to mention the crypto market.

At present, the risk market still depends on the face of macro sentiment.

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