What is dimensionality reduction attack?

A buddy of mine graduated from a 985 university, with an annual salary of more than 600,000 yuan, is still single at the age of 39 and has never been in a relationship. Various blind dates have failed. He has a Mediterranean hairstyle, but he is obsessed with looks. I joked that if you are a diamond bachelor, you will not have to worry about not having beautiful women. So, he suddenly quit his job and started his own business.

He rented an 80-square-meter office, hired a beautiful girl with a 985 undergraduate degree as a front desk, and hired two master's graduates as executives. He held meetings every day to study strategies, in other words, to discuss what the company should do.

He spread the word about his entrepreneurship and invited friends and classmates to visit and negotiate with the company.

Many people came to visit every day, and it was a lively and prosperous scene. The front desk was busy and happy, and the two graduate executives were full of confidence.

I went there several times. To be honest, their wild ideas were infinitely close to zero reliability.

Their company benefits are really good. No clocking in or attendance check. As long as the reason is right, you can take paid leave at will. The monthly salary will be paid on the 29th, only in advance, never late. You can enjoy all kinds of drinks and snacks in the office.

Eight months later, he notified me to attend the wedding.

At the wedding, the beautiful receptionist became the bride, wearing a white wedding dress, touching her slightly bulging belly from time to time, with a happy smile on her face.

It is said that you should start a career before starting a family. This guy is planning to start a family before starting a career. It is estimated that he will become a father in another half a year.

Two weeks later, I passed by his company and went up to take a look.

The door was closed, it was dark inside, and there was a rental notice on the door.

I called him quickly.

He said that he had cancelled the company because he had not researched a business to do.

Because of a joke I made him have an unrealistic dream. Now the wings of his dream are broken. God knows how painful it is for him.

I feel guilty.

I said carefully that he lost a lot of money.

He said that the rent was 60,000, the executive salary was 80,000, and the front desk salary was not a loss. Adding other miscellaneous things, the total was about 160,000 to 170,000.

I said, are the executive salaries so low?

He said that he used equity incentives.

I said, a loss of 160,000 to 170,000 is not a small amount, it's all my fault, I shouldn't have joked about letting you be a diamond bachelor.

He laughed and said, I have to thank you, I got a good deal by spending 160,000 or 70,000 yuan to marry a beautiful wife with a bachelor's degree from a 985 university.

I was stunned for a moment, and then I understood everything. He never thought about starting a business successfully, but just pretended to be a bachelor and wanted a wife.

I said, then will you find another job next?

He smiled and said, I have returned to work in the original company. At the beginning, I agreed with the boss to take a long vacation, not more than one year.

Well, I was short-sighted, it turned out that everything was under his control.

Seemingly impulsive, but actually thoughtful, seemingly dull, but actually good at calculating.

I don't know what the beautiful receptionist would think if she knew the truth. Oh, no, she will never know the truth.

In her cognition, she married a man with dreams, passion, and responsibility who can still make her life worry-free even if the business fails.
