Inventory of several junk coins:

.1) ORDI is the coin with the heaviest resentment among the leeks. A large number of people are trapped and want to get out of the trap, but unfortunately the car door is welded. $EOS, $FIL, and $ORDI are all available for the leeks;

.2) Saga is at its peak since its debut. Many people are trapped in this coin, and the wash cycle will be very long;

.3) There is no ripple during the OP bull market. It is better to take $USDT than to take it in the bear market;

.4) Chain game coins represented by MAGIC, in this round of bull market,#GameFihas gradually become a discarded child;

.5) Merlin covers the landing of the boots of this round of BTC bull market. No more pretending, showdown, and start the bad mode.

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#山寨币热点 $ORDI $SAGA $OP