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As long as there is a money-making effect in the cryptocurrency circle, there will be continuous capital inflow. On the contrary, as long as the money-making effect weakens, the attention of funds will decrease, and the short-term or medium-term yield will naturally decrease. One or more reasons attract capital from the capital market to enter the cryptocurrency circle, and the market money-making effect continues to attract speculative hot money to follow up. But in fact, what is more important to us is to be in this market to feel what the bull market is like. The bull market is a feeling that only those who have experienced it will understand. In fact, if you have entered the cryptocurrency circle since August last year, you should have felt like you were in a bull market long ago. What is a real bull market? Usually, a 3%-4% increase in a day is cheering. A 30%-40% increase in a bull market is commonplace. Think about the inscription market in October last year, AI and MEME in January and February this year, and the sol market in March. They are all no exceptions, but we don’t feel it when we are in it. Usually, the rise of each coin has its own logic, such as capital and technology. In the bull market, no matter how rubbish the coin is, it rises illogically. Even in front of you, it rises 100 times a little bit, and you can’t tell why. Usually, some coins rise and some coins fall. In the bull market, all coins are flying, and there are illogical big Yang bars everywhere. Usually, the strong are always strong and the weak are always weak. In the bull market, demons dance wildly and people are dumbfounded. Usually, everything is calculated. The bull market always breaks through your cognitive limits, and even breaks through again and again. Break through to the point that you can’t believe it. Usually, you have to think for a long time before buying coins. In the bull market, everyone rushes in frantically, fearing that they will be late for a second and miss 10 times. Compare it with yourself and think carefully about where the market is. Is the bull market not here yet? Or is it a correction in the bull market? Or is the bull market over? I believe you will get your own answer. If you also want to dig deep into the cryptocurrency circle and maximize your investment returns, but you can't recognize the market, then no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow Tianmeng on the homepage. Junyangli will share spot codes, bull market layout strategies, and 100-fold potential coins for free every day! #美国4月CPI数据回落 #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件

As long as there is a money-making effect in the cryptocurrency circle, there will be continuous capital inflow. On the contrary, as long as the money-making effect weakens, the attention of funds will decrease, and the short-term or medium-term yield will naturally decrease. One or more reasons attract capital from the capital market to enter the cryptocurrency circle, and the market money-making effect continues to attract speculative hot money to follow up.

But in fact, what is more important to us is to be in this market to feel what the bull market is like. The bull market is a feeling that only those who have experienced it will understand.

In fact, if you have entered the cryptocurrency circle since August last year, you should have felt like you were in a bull market long ago.

What is a real bull market?

Usually, a 3%-4% increase in a day is cheering. A 30%-40% increase in a bull market is commonplace.

Think about the inscription market in October last year, AI and MEME in January and February this year, and the sol market in March. They are all no exceptions, but we don’t feel it when we are in it.

Usually, the rise of each coin has its own logic, such as capital and technology. In the bull market, no matter how rubbish the coin is, it rises illogically. Even in front of you, it rises 100 times a little bit, and you can’t tell why.

Usually, some coins rise and some coins fall. In the bull market, all coins are flying, and there are illogical big Yang bars everywhere. Usually, the strong are always strong and the weak are always weak. In the bull market, demons dance wildly and people are dumbfounded. Usually, everything is calculated.

The bull market always breaks through your cognitive limits, and even breaks through again and again. Break through to the point that you can’t believe it. Usually, you have to think for a long time before buying coins. In the bull market, everyone rushes in frantically, fearing that they will be late for a second and miss 10 times. Compare it with yourself and think carefully about where the market is. Is the bull market not here yet? Or is it a correction in the bull market? Or is the bull market over?

I believe you will get your own answer. If you also want to dig deep into the cryptocurrency circle and maximize your investment returns, but you can't recognize the market, then no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow Tianmeng on the homepage. Junyangli will share spot codes, bull market layout strategies, and 100-fold potential coins for free every day! #美国4月CPI数据回落 #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件

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这几天行情我已经说的非常 非常清楚了,回调做多、看涨 会成为主要旋律。行情是要看指标的不是靠感觉得。为什么58000那次回踩后能确定了80%概率底部出现,为什么4小时的MA250之前的两个月每次触碰都会下跌,这次就能站上?为什么极致缩量代表筑底即将完成?行情是走出来的,你真觉得这个CPI不痛不痒的符合预期就能反转大盘?错了,这只是一个小小的契机,真正的原因是调整结束了,各项指标符合走强要素, 我昨天爆仓是因为我贪,并不是空军多厉害,玩滚仓需的容错性很小,1万刀滚到3万刀睡着了。为什么大饼跌1个点山寨立马可以跌10几个点,把1天涨幅跌没?就是想杀第一批贪吃的鱼不想让鱼跑了。但是我不怕,不管是主力还是小庄,你可以作恶1天或者几天 就像BTC调整三角末端的24小时不停V形反转一样,他们也不能一直违背趋势的走向,这就是规则。 回到盘面 1、BTC 日线级别出现过单日大阳线,尊重事实行情看涨不变,正如5月3日 BTC出现立桩阳线,我说跌不下去道理一样,主流币行情平常都是小波动,而变盘和拉涨往往就是一瞬间,如果不打提前量就意味着追高,中线看多,耐心是个好朋友。 2、BTC 4小时级别现在有走好的趋向,优质山寨币无非是直接上去还是盘整再上去,因为在底部,最终都是有日线一笔上涨,在我看来先走震荡是不断地再给短线机会,回调做多 3、操作上,借助盘中小级别回调,逢低做多,顺势而为,短线选取涨幅榜前排,选取波动大的币种,BTC 第一支撑位 65280 ,第二支撑位 63320 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,关注甜梦,君羊里每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐。 #美国4月CPI数据回落 #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件
最近和几位在我能力范围内能接触到的对这个世界认知很高的老哥们聊了关于 GME 游戏驿站大涨和 Bitcoin 以及 币圈山寨币 的问题,又刷新了认知。我第一时间给大家总结同步一下得到的新认识: 1. 美联储和财政部对于水有多少和水流向哪里的精准控制能力非常强。 1.1 具体来说,在量化宽松和量化紧缩的框架下,配合对ON RRP、TGA、BTFP等各类账户的利率进行调节,水流向哪里基本做到了收放自如 1.2 过去这些年,美国宏观经济的政策强调控能力逐步加强。对于向来高度信奉市场经济的全球最大的经济体,其实多少也有点讽刺 1.3 当然也和党派有很大关系,民主党本身就喜欢凯恩斯流派,喜欢对经济强力调控;反过来,共和党喜欢小政府,也喜欢纯自由市场经济 2. 在现有的全球主要经济体都进入量化宽松和紧缩的宏观调控框架体系下,仅从加息和降息来判断市场流动性增减的思路已经完全过时。 2.1 本来QE和QT周期尤为明显。最近两年,虽然联邦基金利率通过狂暴加息之后已经拉满到5.35%的高位,但美元定价资产不断历史新高。 2.2 尤其是从2023年6月开始到现在最近这一年多流动性不降反升,是非常经典的例子(原因见下图,具体的解释在上篇文章“量化宽松与紧缩的历史、当下和未来”里已经聊过不再赘述) 2.3 所以判断风险资产的走势,还是要追根溯源,看最底层还是要看流动性实际的走势以及对流动性的走势的预期这两点 3.比特币是美元定价风险资产的金丝雀。 3.1 大饼的走势现在是美股基金经理们一定要研究的一类资产,虽然这些人可能不买BTC也不认为BTC是数字黄金 3.2 先看近几年的一个现象(见下图): 3.2.1 逃顶(见下图绿色柱子分割线):BTC会率先见顶从高位开始下跌,纳指次之,流动性最后见顶(这三者见顶前后不超4周) 3.2.2 抄底(见下图红色柱子分割线):BTC会率先跌到底,然后纳指跟着见底,然后流动性见底(这三者见底前后不超过3周) 3.3 原因:流动性对于相对专业的机构是能相对准确的预测的,所以BTC本身作为风险更高的风险资产更敏感,所以会先于其他风险资产,率先见顶暴跌和见底(也就是为什么大饼现在变成了“”美元定价风险资产的金丝雀”) 4. 关于 GME游戏驿站 和 山寨币 4.1 GME 和 山寨币 是真正散户资金的聚集地 4.2 散户手里钱的多少于加息降息高度正相关 虽然在QEQT这套强力流动性调控的架构下,降息不见得能马上让宏观流动性起飞。但高息环境下,散户是一定一定没钱的;反过来,只有在低息环境下,借钱足够便宜,散户手里才有钱 4.3 本质上GME这样的美股meme股,本质上炒作散户手里钱多或者少的预期股 近期的GME大涨,很大程度上是散户手里钱即将变多的预期升温带来的。所以开始我预判你的预判,虽然还没降息,这样的股票就开始抢跑 4.4 大饼的涨跌幅是机构手里流动性的风向标,GME和山寨币是散户手里流动性的风向标。 4.5 现在币圈的山寨要想自救,需要天时、地利、人和: 4.5.1 天时:等风来,等降息后散户手里的钱变多 4.5.2 地利:川普胜选后,换上加密货币友好的SEC主席 4.5.3 人和:努力搞出像1617年的ICO和2021年的Defi一样石破天惊的东西 5. 结语: 持币人共勉 5.1 买大饼可以赚什么钱 5.1.1 赚世界熵增的钱:我们正处在现有秩序逐渐松动的时代,说人话就是世界会越来越乱。那么在量化宽松的框架下,只要无脑印钱就能短时间内解决问题的逻辑下,最终地球上的货币超发只会越来越严重,那么黄金这样的避险储值资产长期看只会涨价 5.1.2 赚大饼成为数字黄金的钱: 大饼在上轮牛市2021年11月69000的最高点,大饼市值/黄金市值最高点达到过11%。现在该比值为8%,游戏还很早 5.2 手里的大饼最终要卖给谁 短期内可以做波段,牛市结束卖币,熊市跌的差不多了再买币。 但长期看,希望各位格局大一点。手里的币不卖给各个政府和央行,那我们这场持币人的战斗就不会结束 想了解更多币圈的相关知识和一手的前沿资讯,关注甜梦,君羊里每日发布行情分析,优质潜力币种推荐。 #BTC走势分析 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件 #Megadrop
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