Yesterday, all Bitcoin ETF institutions realized data buying, and continued to be strong after the macro-economic situation improved the day before yesterday, with a total of 3,942 new Bitcoin holdings and a net inflow of US$257 million. This shows that the weak and negative trend of Bitcoin on the macro-level has completely ended, and the macro-risk concerns of OTC investors have disappeared. I have reason to believe that the previous 60,000-point Bitcoin bottom will be the starting point of a new round of main upward waves.

SOL is indeed as strong as ever in terms of trend. After touching the previous 118-point bottom twice, the market reversed directly and broke through the upper trend pressure level in one go. The transaction volume of Solana chain has continued to increase in recent times, and the projects on the chain have continued to flourish. As the fastest public chain at present, the market has also strongly called for it to be compared with Ethereum.

From the market point of view, there is no doubt that after this round of Sol breaks through the trend pressure, Sanshu will directly see a new high in the later period. However, from the objective public chain logic, Sol still has a long way to go to surpass ETH. Looking at the whole scene, Sol is the only Ethereum killer that has survived to this day. Even if Ethereum is not good, it still has the ecological foundation and block value to beat all public chains.

So, whether Ethereum is feasible or not, no one’s opinion now counts. If it is really not feasible, we can only draw a conclusion after a public chain that completely replaces it emerges in one or two years. After all, from the perspective of industry development, there are not many things that Solana chain has come out of the circle. The rise in the market only shows that the value output of the project has been temporarily recognized by the market, and the status of industry hegemony requires real and indelible contributions to the development of this market.

After talking about the relationship between SOL and ETH on the chain, is Ethereum still worth holding on to in the short term? To be honest, this question is really a headache. From the logic of buying, SOL at 30 points is included in the ten-fold list of Sanshu, and I am undoubtedly very optimistic about it. And my personal position of Ethereum is stable below 1700 points, and the return ratio is second only to the Bitcoin position, so there is no demand for pessimism.

So if you have a position, whether ether is good or bad, you have to hold it. If it is sold out, you don’t have the courage to change your position to Bitcoin, and you may not be able to choose a better altcoin. However, if you don’t have an ether position at present, should you increase your holdings of ether in terms of cost-effectiveness? Sanshu’s opinion is that if you consider the short-term and medium-term investment returns, you can put ETH last from the perspective of choosing between BTC, Sol and ETH. If you consider the value attributes and pursue the long-term certainty of value increase, the selection sequence is ETH first, Sol second, and Bitcoin last.

This round of BTC’s deterministic reversal may not necessarily have a strong rebound in the short term, but it is definitely the one with the lowest risk. The activity on the SOL chain has shown that institutions and retail investors are unanimously optimistic and expect a continued deterministic rise. This is not the case with ETH. In the short term, there is a discussion on whether the ETF will be approved. After it is approved, referring to the 6:1 data of HK Bitcoin and Ethereum’s ETF, how much capital can Ethereum get to increase its holdings?

The current macro environment of the market has been further adjusted, but there is still a bottleneck for the market to continue to develop, that is, liquidity has prevented the market from achieving a general rise. It is a good thing that Bitcoin's ETF was approved in January and ETH's ETF will be approved next week, but it is inevitable that Bitcoin's funds will be dispersed before the SEC opens the tap, or it will continue to suck the blood of the copycats. Whether this is good or bad is still debatable!

Of course, the long-term optimism about Ethereum will not change its attitude due to short-term declines. The ETF will definitely pass, preferably after September. If the interest rate is cut, it will definitely be the same. As time goes by, the certainty will only become stronger and the market will become more and more stable.

For a high-quality ecosystem and project, the injection of funds requires macro-cooperation and sufficient foundation, otherwise it will only be a flash in the pan. Just like when we do things, if we are not worthy of our position, we will end up with nothing. Give him more time, the road is tortuous, but the future must be bright.

BTC: The trend support of Bitcoin has been confirmed, and the next wide range of fluctuations is between 64,000 and 68,000 points. For the market, Bitcoin only needs to maintain the upward channel, and the future strength can only be determined by the continuous confirmation of the bottom of the upward channel. Therefore, for Bitcoin in the short term, keep confidence and hold it patiently. It will continue to be strong and the future is promising.

ETH: Ethereum's market share has rebounded in the short term, and the technical side continues to be linked to Bitcoin. The short-term rise comes from the strength of the big players on the chain to buy the bottom. Let's see if it can be maintained in the next few days. In terms of the market, if Ethereum does not drag down the entire altcoin sector, there is a chance for a surge. The trend is yet to be determined. Let's observe Ethereum for 24 hours.

SOL: The technical form has completed the determination of two rounds of bottoms. After the cyclical trend comes up this round, it will directly reach a new high. The activity on the chain has been surpassing Ethereum, and the on-chain projects are also very hot at present. Look for opportunities to pay attention to them aggressively. The short-term trend is on the previous high route.

JTO: As the largest liquidity protocol on the SOL chain, the current bullish logic of the fundamentals is also certain, and it is one of the sectors that deserves strong attention in the short and medium term.

Other copycats: SSV and ORDI have rebounded well and are expected to continue. Link can be paid special attention to. The daily trend is consistent with the independent market trend before the New Year. Aggressive investors can participate in the high-risk ratio. Ondo, a similar concept, has also become strong and has reached a new high in the short term. There is no pressure from above, so watch and follow. If you do T trading, these targets are all very good.

Finally, stay away from leverage and stock up on spot goods! ​​​#芝商所拟推出比特币现货交易 #机构积极投资比特币ETF #美国4月CPI数据回落 #NOT开盘预测 $BTC