ETFs performed very well last night, with a net inflow of US$257 million. It is gratifying that BlackRock became the leader again last night, with a single-day inflow of US$93.7 million. Fidelity also performed well with an inflow of 67 million. Cathie Wood's ARKB has been the main inflow recently and contributed 62 million last night. BRRR and GBTC had inflows of 18.5 million and 4.6 million respectively. Including last night, there has been four consecutive net inflows this week. If it can be maintained tonight, then the weekend Bitcoin is expected to hit 70,000 again.

Compared to Bitcoin's triumphant rise, Ethereum is more depressed. Its exchange rate against Bitcoin keeps falling to new lows, reaching a low of 0.044 last night. However, it rebounded during the day today. This may be related to the recent surrender of a whale who was long on the ETH/BTC exchange rate. He sold 3,886 ETH today to repay part of the money. In addition, Coinbase recently published an article expressing optimism about ETH, saying that there is a lot of room for growth in the coming months, which also brought certain confidence to ETH holders. However, these do not affect the short-term trend of ETH continuing to weaken relative to BTC. After all, the negative impact of the rejection of the ETF has not really landed, and the market still needs this last drop.

When the overall environment is not good, there are unlocked projects, which have a relatively large impact on the short-term trend. For example, STRK and ARB, which have been weak at present, are followed by AEVO, which has fallen sharply. For these event-driven declines, it is better not to fight against the trend, but to follow the trend and gradually lay out! Use time to exchange space. The rumors in the market that VC coins and MEME coins do not accept each other are marketing advertisements created by MEME coin participants! You just need to believe that the VC coin dealers also have to ship, and they will definitely rise. It is just a matter of time. The leeks are all players who chase the rise and fall. Don’t look at the decline now, saying that they do not accept each other. When it takes off, you will see whether the leeks will participate!

To put it bluntly, the reason why the MEME series is so popular is that it is pumping up the market. Therefore, the only way for the leeks is to pump up the market. It doesn’t really matter what track it is. So, don’t say that you don’t want to take over from each other! You don’t take over because it hasn’t risen yet, and the real way to make money is to pick up other people’s bloody chips when others are sneering! Waiting to drink soup with the VC dog dealer, this is the correct way to participate! Look at the performance of the former APT and this year’s SUI, which one is not pumping up! Also, don’t talk about the total market value. Can you imagine that FIL used to be more than 200, and the peak of ICP was also a few hundred. That was the bubble period of the bull market. Again, don’t look at the current trend with the eyes of a bear market. In the future, perhaps the current fluctuations are just a straight line! Ambush! Boldly buy the bottom! Continue to invest!

After the Meme sector, where is the next trend?

I think it should be the RWA sector. Today, Chainlink cooperated with DTCC and the world's top ten financial institutions to carry out the Smart NAV industry pilot, putting key mutual fund indexes on the chain to support fund tokenization. These super-large institutions have never given up on the construction of the RWA sector. Based on this information, I bought the token rio axl. Of course, the leader ondo we laid out before is also very good.

Why them?

First of all, the token is a sub-coin of Floki. The former is worth more than 2 billion US dollars, and the token is currently worth just over 100 million US dollars. To some extent, I think it can be regarded as Floki at 100 million US dollars. (Dwf previously invested 1,000 wu in Floki and 1,000 wu in tokens, and the difference in the increase between the two is huge). And it also has the potential to be listed on Binance, with contracts but no spot. Previously, Floki also listed contracts first and then spot.

Then there is Rio. I mentioned before that the RWA section of this project will launch token burning in the second quarter, as well as new investment opportunities on its platform. The current market value is $100 million. The project has SEC certification, and the future ceiling is quite high. The official wallet has transferred some coins to BlackRock, the purpose of which is unknown, so I look forward to it.

Axl just announced a collaboration with Deutsche Bank and the Monetary Authority of Singapore a few days ago. As a cross-chain project, it has secured a position in the RWA track, and the project has a very good reputation. There will be many new moves in the second half of the year. The cross-chain + RWA track has a very good cost-effectiveness.

At present, we all know that RWA is a track with a very high ceiling in the future, and some large American institutions are also in the continuous exploration stage. The purchasing power of institutions can be seen from the terrifying purchasing power of BTC spot ETF. Choosing the RWA track is definitely a very cost-effective time now.

Market Analysis

BTC: Bitcoin has come out of the 4-hour level. As I said yesterday, it will continue to sprint upward in a volatile adjustment manner. After May and into June, the market is expected to recover comprehensively. Last night, meme rose rapidly after a short-term adjustment, and people basically reversed. The market is expected to continue to rise in the future. Once the meme market starts, it will not end easily. At present, it is still in the early stage of large-scale startup and accumulation of energy.

ETH: ETH/BTC continued to fall to a new low, reaching 0.044. It can be seen that the pessimistic expectations on the ETF can indeed affect the price, and the whales who have recently gone long on the ETH/WBTC exchange rate have also begun to slowly liquidate. It seems that they are not optimistic about the future market and are ready to cut their losses. The subsequent trend should be similar to what I said before. Before the news of the ETF rejection comes out, it will be difficult for the market to stop falling.

SOL: Sol only needs a little effort to defeat more than 99% of the altcoins. Its recent performance is too stable. For example, today ICP announced a new roadmap, which is basically a switch to the AI ​​track. This level of good news should be very strong, but its increase is about the same as Sol. This shows that Sol has formed a trend of dimensionality reduction attack on other public chains. Therefore, Sol is the best project that combines stability and growth in this round of market. In the previous rounds of bull market, ETH played this role, but this round ETH has indeed fallen behind.

PIXEL: Judging from the pattern here, Pixel has most likely reached the bottom. We can gradually start buying in batches at low prices to lower the average price. It is expected that there will be a big explosion in the second half of the year.

AVAX: Avax has a triple bottom on the daily chart. It cannot go down without major negative news. Let’s start to deploy in batches. Once it stands firm at 40, it will explode on the daily chart!

WLD (World Coin) is facing selling pressure. Has the trend reversed? Can it return to $12?

WLD (World Coin) belongs to the L2 and AI sectors. It is currently launched on the OP mainnet. Its main functions are privacy and digital payment. I have written about this currency twice before, one for short-term and one for trend direction, both of which have been verified. I will not talk much about the fundamentals. I will mainly analyze whether the trend has changed from the market and how it will go in the short term.

Analyze the big trend of the weekly trend:

1. After breaking through the previous historical high, there was a wave of retracement to the support. It is currently near the support level and has not effectively fallen below the support, indicating that the support below is very strong.

2. The entire market is still on the right side of the long-term upward trend line, and the high and low points are constantly moving up, indicating that the general trend has not changed, and it is still an upward trend in the bull market.

3. It fell back to the support level range below, stopped falling, and began to oscillate, forming a parallel channel slightly inclined upward.

4. Currently, the high and low points in the oscillation zone are rising, but from the perspective of volume, the volume of long and short positions is relatively balanced, and there is no obvious strength or weakness of the long and short positions.

5. Last week's K-line broke the previous high a little bit and the volume increased, but the extent of breaking the previous high was not obvious, and the body of the K-line was very small, which shows that the pressure from above is very strong.

From the above analysis, it can be seen that WLD has pressure from above and support from below. There is no obvious signal of strength of long and short positions, and it is likely to continue to fluctuate in the near future.

Although the overall trend is an upward trend, the massive selling pressure from the project party is bearish and will affect the market trend in the short term. These two points are equivalent to a combination.

Through the analysis of the above clues, the short-term trend of WLD is that the bears are weakening, but the bulls are not getting stronger. It will fluctuate and pull back. Waiting for another pullback to show a reversal signal will be a good short-term entry point.

Finally, there are still many things that are not written down, such as specific opportunities and specific decisions. These things are often not something that can be summarized in one article.

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