What is dimensionality reduction attack?

1. You fell in love with Xiaohong from the same village.

Your love is reasonable. Who doesn't like a soft, fragrant, and sweet girl?

Unfortunately, before you could express your love to her, your village was flattened by the war.

You and Xiaohong were exiled in this chaotic world, separated from each other.

A speck of dust from the times, falling on a person's head, is a mountain.

You blame the insignificance of human beings in the face of the current situation, but this is not a dimensionality reduction attack.

This is the world.

2. After more than half a year of exile, you entered the capital.

You saw Xiaohong again, her waist was soft when she danced quickly, and her voice was low when she sang slowly.

She was a dancer for dignitaries.

You were a beggar on the street.

You were a little confused about the difference in your identities, but this is not a dimensionality reduction attack.

This is distance.

3. You were unwilling to give up, and tried every means to go to the front line.

Fighting bloody battles, fighting to the death, and killing the enemy, one general's success is the result of the sacrifice of thousands of bones.

After a great victory, you have become a general.

But you find that Xiaohong has been summoned to the palace, with a hairpin hanging around her neck, and she is the mother of the country.

But you have not yet expressed your love.

You think that fate is unfair to you, but this is not a dimensionality reduction attack.

This is the human heart.

4. Thinking about Xiaohong day and night, unwillingness turns into obsession.

You rebelled and stabbed the emperor to death in the Golden Palace with a sword.

Finally, you came to Xiaohong and were about to speak.

You saw the lush jade fingers under the silkworm eyebrows and phoenix eyes, indicating that you should not speak.

She knows your feelings, and has always known.

Just when you are about to kiss each other.

The Chinese teacher woke you up with a textbook, told you not to sleep in class with drooling, and asked you to stand at the back of the classroom as punishment.

You looked at Xiaohong who was listening attentively in the first row, and then realized it.

It turned out that this was a dimensionality reduction attack.

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