Binance Square
专注币圈一、二级市场。致力于研究一级市场暴涨币种、二级市场优质潜力币。进社区讨论交流学习 关注公众号:财神说区块
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What do you think of people who achieve financial freedom through Bitcoin? D is my high school classmate. After graduation, we both worked in Guangzhou, but we didn't interact much. It has been about 7-8 years since we last met (I'm not sure exactly). After dinner, he said mysteriously, "Come to my house and I'll show you something awesome." When I got there, I saw several rows of computers with flashing lights and densely packed cables. Then he said that these were mining machines that could mine a digital currency called "Bitcoin", which would be extremely valuable in the future. That was the first time I came into contact with terms such as "Bitcoin" and "blockchain". However, because I was the busiest time for entrepreneurship at that time, and the project was developing quite well, I didn't get to know it in depth, and my contact with D became less and less. The next time I heard from D was two weeks ago. He updated a circle of friends and drove a Mercedes-Benz across North America. I heard from my classmates that D made tens of millions of dollars from Bitcoin and was financially free. Now he spends his days playing around the world and speculating in coins. Another high school classmate was very upset. He was one of the people who went to D's house with me that year. At the beginning, D tried hard to persuade us to buy coins and mine. I was unmoved at that time, but this classmate was tempted. It was just that his girlfriend dissuaded him after he went back. Otherwise, it would still be possible to make millions now. It is said that because of this, his girlfriend became his ex-girlfriend. I only have a little regret until now. If I bought coins and mined with D at that time, I would only do it as a side job. Because the business was very successful at that time, although I entered the currency circle several years ago, it was also a small achievement, and I would not be jealous. If this article is helpful to you, you may wish to pay attention to Caishen. If you have any questions that you don’t understand, you need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of Zhuye and try to join the circle #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #MegadropLista #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析
What do you think of people who achieve financial freedom through Bitcoin?

D is my high school classmate. After graduation, we both worked in Guangzhou, but we didn't interact much.
It has been about 7-8 years since we last met (I'm not sure exactly). After dinner, he said mysteriously, "Come to my house and I'll show you something awesome."
When I got there, I saw several rows of computers with flashing lights and densely packed cables. Then he said that these were mining machines that could mine a digital currency called "Bitcoin", which would be extremely valuable in the future.
That was the first time I came into contact with terms such as "Bitcoin" and "blockchain". However, because I was the busiest time for entrepreneurship at that time, and the project was developing quite well, I didn't get to know it in depth, and my contact with D became less and less.
The next time I heard from D was two weeks ago. He updated a circle of friends and drove a Mercedes-Benz across North America. I heard from my classmates that D made tens of millions of dollars from Bitcoin and was financially free. Now he spends his days playing around the world and speculating in coins.
Another high school classmate was very upset. He was one of the people who went to D's house with me that year. At the beginning, D tried hard to persuade us to buy coins and mine. I was unmoved at that time, but this classmate was tempted. It was just that his girlfriend dissuaded him after he went back. Otherwise, it would still be possible to make millions now.
It is said that because of this, his girlfriend became his ex-girlfriend.

I only have a little regret until now. If I bought coins and mined with D at that time, I would only do it as a side job. Because the business was very successful at that time, although I entered the currency circle several years ago, it was also a small achievement, and I would not be jealous.

If this article is helpful to you, you may wish to pay attention to Caishen. If you have any questions that you don’t understand, you need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of Zhuye and try to join the circle
#币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #MegadropLista #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析
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How many people around you actually own Bitcoin? Three months ago, Bitcoin was around 41,000. I called a friend: Me: Do you know Bitcoin? He: I know, I know. Me: It will rise sharply recently. It can make 50% profit in one or two months. You rich man, why don’t you collect a few of them. (Don’t focus on this sentence) He: Isn’t it a string of numbers? Me: Digital gold. A collection of rich people in the new era. Without Bitcoin, you are a pauper after all. (My private opinion) He: No way. Me: Use your spare money to buy a few as a collection. He: If you don’t have spare money, buy Bitcoin. Me: You are pretending to be poor. I am very angry. Since this rich man hasn’t collected it yet. I turned around and bought XX more. I plan to give them to him next year. If this article is helpful to you, you may as well pay attention to the God of Wealth. If you have any questions that you don’t understand, you need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and try to get into the circle #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #非农就业人数高于预期 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变
How many people around you actually own Bitcoin?

Three months ago, Bitcoin was around 41,000. I called a friend:
Me: Do you know Bitcoin?
He: I know, I know.
Me: It will rise sharply recently. It can make 50% profit in one or two months. You rich man, why don’t you collect a few of them. (Don’t focus on this sentence)
He: Isn’t it a string of numbers?
Me: Digital gold. A collection of rich people in the new era. Without Bitcoin, you are a pauper after all. (My private opinion)
He: No way.
Me: Use your spare money to buy a few as a collection.
He: If you don’t have spare money, buy Bitcoin.
Me: You are pretending to be poor.
I am very angry. Since this rich man hasn’t collected it yet. I turned around and bought XX more. I plan to give them to him next year.

If this article is helpful to you, you may as well pay attention to the God of Wealth. If you have any questions that you don’t understand, you need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and try to get into the circle
#币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #非农就业人数高于预期 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变
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A fan asked Caishen: What will be the price of Bitcoin in ten years? I think this is not important. What is important is how much Bitcoin you hold. Suppose you are optimistic about Bitcoin, but you only have one satoshi. Even if Bitcoin is worth one million US dollars, it has little to do with you. Your concept depends on your position. When you have no position, you will be skeptical about Bitcoin and wonder if these people have a problem with their brains. When you have a little position, you will worry about the rise and fall of Bitcoin, for fear that you will be cut off and run away as soon as you make money. When your position accounts for half of your assets, you will become an optimist, and your life will be as bright as the future of Bitcoin. When your position is very heavy, you are a firm holder, and you are extremely stubborn. Anyone who criticizes Bitcoin is a fool in your eyes. So, this question is meaningless. Anyway, most people don’t have much position. If this article is helpful to you, you might as well follow Caishen. If you have any questions that you don’t understand or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and try to enter the circle #TopCoinsJune2024 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #币安合约锦标赛 #非农就业人数高于预期
A fan asked Caishen: What will be the price of Bitcoin in ten years?

I think this is not important. What is important is how much Bitcoin you hold.
Suppose you are optimistic about Bitcoin, but you only have one satoshi. Even if Bitcoin is worth one million US dollars, it has little to do with you.
Your concept depends on your position.
When you have no position, you will be skeptical about Bitcoin and wonder if these people have a problem with their brains.
When you have a little position, you will worry about the rise and fall of Bitcoin, for fear that you will be cut off and run away as soon as you make money.
When your position accounts for half of your assets, you will become an optimist, and your life will be as bright as the future of Bitcoin.
When your position is very heavy, you are a firm holder, and you are extremely stubborn. Anyone who criticizes Bitcoin is a fool in your eyes.
So, this question is meaningless.
Anyway, most people don’t have much position.
If this article is helpful to you, you might as well follow Caishen. If you have any questions that you don’t understand or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and try to enter the circle
#TopCoinsJune2024 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #币安合约锦标赛 #非农就业人数高于预期
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What does the rise and fall of the currency circle have to do with? The rise and fall of the currency circle has a regular pattern in 90% of the time periods. The factors that affect the rise and fall of the currency circle can be summarized as fundamental news + market sentiment + the trend of the leading currency (Bitcoin). Relying on fundamental news to speculate on currency is a kind of speculation. If you make arrangements in advance and encounter the time when major news is released, you can take the opportunity to make a profit. For example, when the US dollar announces whether to raise interest rates, as long as the direction is grasped correctly, you can achieve short-term profits. Of course, this method is not used in most trading sessions. Market sentiment is affected by the rise and fall of fundamentals and currency prices. It is more emotional and more difficult to control. If it is not a big bull or bear market, it is not recommended to follow the trend. The last one, the trend of currency prices, especially the trend of Bitcoin, can drive more than 90% of the currencies on the market. The price of Bitcoin has historical rules to follow. When it reaches a certain pressure level, it must turn around decisively. What do you think? If this article is helpful to you, you may wish to pay attention to Caishen. If you have any questions that you don’t understand, you need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and try to enter the circle #非农就业人数高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛 #TopCoinsJune2024 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变
What does the rise and fall of the currency circle have to do with?

The rise and fall of the currency circle has a regular pattern in 90% of the time periods.
The factors that affect the rise and fall of the currency circle can be summarized as
fundamental news + market sentiment + the trend of the leading currency (Bitcoin).
Relying on fundamental news to speculate on currency is a kind of speculation. If you make arrangements in advance and encounter the time when major news is released, you can take the opportunity to make a profit. For example, when the US dollar announces whether to raise interest rates, as long as the direction is grasped correctly, you can achieve short-term profits. Of course, this method is not used in most trading sessions.
Market sentiment is affected by the rise and fall of fundamentals and currency prices. It is more emotional and more difficult to control. If it is not a big bull or bear market, it is not recommended to follow the trend.
The last one, the trend of currency prices, especially the trend of Bitcoin, can drive more than 90% of the currencies on the market. The price of Bitcoin has historical rules to follow. When it reaches a certain pressure level, it must turn around decisively.
What do you think?

If this article is helpful to you, you may wish to pay attention to Caishen. If you have any questions that you don’t understand, you need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and try to enter the circle
#非农就业人数高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛 #TopCoinsJune2024 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变
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Is the cryptocurrency industry a shortcut for young people to buy cars and houses in the short term? It is true that many young people have made money in the cryptocurrency industry that they may never make in their lifetime. But more people are losing money. They use their losses to help those who quickly make money to buy cars and houses. This is the current situation. Most people enter the cryptocurrency industry because they are definitely attracted by the price. Because it rises so much in one day, they see who is getting rich around them. They are tempted, then enter the market, and then lose money. Don't feel a little embarrassed that you are tempted. It is actually normal. I dare say that everyone comes to the cryptocurrency industry because they are tempted. Doing everything is tempting. No one wants to do something without any temptation. Don't be embarrassed to admit it, this is the fact. Then I will talk about the common characteristics of young people making money in the cryptocurrency industry in the short term. They especially understand human nature, can control greed, have strict plans, know how much to stop, and can perceive market cycles. They are not gamblers, do not blindly leverage, do not make small profits, and make big money if they want to make money. Be patient, know that money doesn't come in a hurry, and stick to a few varieties without changing tracks. Be able to cross the bull-bear cycle, and strive to improve cognition and learn more. Don't be stingy with money for learning, and don't be stingy with money for making friends. Participate in various projects, be diligent, and work hard, but don't play leveraged contracts, play everything else. That means except gambling. You can make money in the currency circle, small money, big money, airdrop money, acceptance money, arbitrage money, new money, and swing trading money. Make all the money from hoarding coins, and invest wholeheartedly. It is not recommended that you have a small principal, and it is not recommended that you have only a few thousand or tens of thousands. Young people finally buy cars and houses by themselves, a small part of which depends on luck, and most of it is exchanged for the things I said. I hope you can become that young person. Come on It is undeniable that the currency circle is the best way for young people to change their destiny and cross classes. There is no other way. If this article is helpful to you, you might as well pay attention to the God of Wealth. If you have any questions that you don't understand, you need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and try to get into the circle #币安合约锦标赛 #非农就业人数高于预期 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #TopCoinsJune2024
Is the cryptocurrency industry a shortcut for young people to buy cars and houses in the short term?

It is true that many young people have made money in the cryptocurrency industry that they may never make in their lifetime.
But more people are losing money. They use their losses to help those who quickly make money to buy cars and houses. This is the current situation.
Most people enter the cryptocurrency industry because they are definitely attracted by the price. Because it rises so much in one day, they see who is getting rich around them.
They are tempted, then enter the market, and then lose money.
Don't feel a little embarrassed that you are tempted. It is actually normal. I dare say that everyone comes to the cryptocurrency industry because they are tempted.
Doing everything is tempting.
No one wants to do something without any temptation. Don't be embarrassed to admit it, this is the fact.
Then I will talk about the common characteristics of young people making money in the cryptocurrency industry in the short term.
They especially understand human nature, can control greed, have strict plans, know how much to stop, and can perceive market cycles.
They are not gamblers, do not blindly leverage, do not make small profits, and make big money if they want to make money.
Be patient, know that money doesn't come in a hurry, and stick to a few varieties without changing tracks.
Be able to cross the bull-bear cycle, and strive to improve cognition and learn more. Don't be stingy with money for learning, and don't be stingy with money for making friends.
Participate in various projects, be diligent, and work hard, but don't play leveraged contracts, play everything else. That means except gambling.
You can make money in the currency circle, small money, big money, airdrop money, acceptance money, arbitrage money, new money, and swing trading money.
Make all the money from hoarding coins, and invest wholeheartedly. It is not recommended that you have a small principal, and it is not recommended that you have only a few thousand or tens of thousands.
Young people finally buy cars and houses by themselves, a small part of which depends on luck, and most of it is exchanged for the things I said.
I hope you can become that young person. Come on
It is undeniable that the currency circle is the best way for young people to change their destiny and cross classes. There is no other way.

If this article is helpful to you, you might as well pay attention to the God of Wealth. If you have any questions that you don't understand, you need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and try to get into the circle
#币安合约锦标赛 #非农就业人数高于预期 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #TopCoinsJune2024
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My friend has been addicted to cryptocurrency trading recently. How can I make him realize that cryptocurrency trading cannot make him rich? Let him invest all his money, and he will know it naturally after losing it!! "It is difficult to teach people, but it is easy to teach people through things" You can only let him lose all the money, suffer losses, and suffer hardships, and then he will understand As the saying goes, "Don't cry until you see the coffin" Just like some people come to ask me for advice, they are afraid that you don't believe what you say, and when the market comes out, they come back and ask, brother, I should have listened to you earlier... What should I do now? This kind of people are either trapped or missed What can you do if you are trapped? Consider whether to cut it yourself What can you do if you miss it? Chase the rise? Find a callback position to enter The above two are alternative solutions and remedies This is determined by cognition The poor always think that others want to harm her and are greedy for a small profit at the moment! And the rich will only consider whether this thing is useful to him! The rich always think that they use low costs to get advanced thinking, advanced methods, and advanced technology! The thinking of the poor is to focus on their own crooked melons and cracked dates, unwilling to pay, and keep their money! From the perspective of cognition, the gap between the rich and the poor is directly widened, not to mention the ability to act! Come on! In the future, wait and welcome the good! If this article is helpful to you, you may wish to pay attention to the God of Wealth. If you have any questions that you don’t understand, you need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and try to join the circle #TopCoinsJune2024 #币安合约锦标赛 #非农就业人数高于预期 #美国5月CPI超预期回落
My friend has been addicted to cryptocurrency trading recently. How can I make him realize that cryptocurrency trading cannot make him rich?

Let him invest all his money, and he will know it naturally after losing it!!

"It is difficult to teach people, but it is easy to teach people through things"

You can only let him lose all the money, suffer losses, and suffer hardships, and then he will understand

As the saying goes, "Don't cry until you see the coffin"

Just like some people come to ask me for advice, they are afraid that you don't believe what you say, and when the market comes out, they come back and ask, brother, I should have listened to you earlier...

What should I do now?

This kind of people are either trapped or missed

What can you do if you are trapped? Consider whether to cut it yourself

What can you do if you miss it? Chase the rise? Find a callback position to enter

The above two are alternative solutions and remedies

This is determined by cognition

The poor always think that others want to harm her and are greedy for a small profit at the moment! And the rich will only consider whether this thing is useful to him!

The rich always think that they use low costs to get advanced thinking, advanced methods, and advanced technology!

The thinking of the poor is to focus on their own crooked melons and cracked dates, unwilling to pay, and keep their money!
From the perspective of cognition, the gap between the rich and the poor is directly widened, not to mention the ability to act!
Come on! In the future, wait and welcome the good!

If this article is helpful to you, you may wish to pay attention to the God of Wealth. If you have any questions that you don’t understand, you need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and try to join the circle
#TopCoinsJune2024 #币安合约锦标赛 #非农就业人数高于预期 #美国5月CPI超预期回落
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Are the contracts in the cryptocurrency circle difficult to understand? No matter which exchange's contract, the counterparty can only be in the exchange. Taking Bitcoin as an example, the counterparty of the Euro-Italian Bitcoin contract can only bet on Euro-Italian, and the counterparty of the Binance Bitcoin contract can only bet on Binance. The contract is a very centralized gambling behavior. The essence of the contract is still gambling. The only advantage for retail investors is that the price of the same standard is the unified mark price of the market. Although there are some price differences between the contracts of various exchanges, the difference will not be too large. Therefore, no matter what kind of contract you do, you must not do small currencies, and if there are few exchanges listed, try to do mainstream currency contracts to avoid being manipulated to the greatest extent. Is there a contract method that can bet across exchanges? Yes, it is a contract ETF, but there is no such product on the market at present. There are too many pitfalls and risks in the contract, and high leverage full warehouse is only the most superficial risk behavior. If this article is helpful to you, you may wish to pay attention to Caishen. If you have any questions that you don't understand, you need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and try to enter the circle #TopCoinsJune2024 #非农就业人数高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛 #美国5月CPI超预期回落
Are the contracts in the cryptocurrency circle difficult to understand?

No matter which exchange's contract, the counterparty can only be in the exchange.
Taking Bitcoin as an example, the counterparty of the Euro-Italian Bitcoin contract can only bet on Euro-Italian, and the counterparty of the Binance Bitcoin contract can only bet on Binance. The contract is a very centralized gambling behavior.
The essence of the contract is still gambling. The only advantage for retail investors is that the price of the same standard is the unified mark price of the market. Although there are some price differences between the contracts of various exchanges, the difference will not be too large.
Therefore, no matter what kind of contract you do, you must not do small currencies, and if there are few exchanges listed, try to do mainstream currency contracts to avoid being manipulated to the greatest extent.
Is there a contract method that can bet across exchanges? Yes, it is a contract ETF, but there is no such product on the market at present.
There are too many pitfalls and risks in the contract, and high leverage full warehouse is only the most superficial risk behavior.

If this article is helpful to you, you may wish to pay attention to Caishen. If you have any questions that you don't understand, you need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and try to enter the circle
#TopCoinsJune2024 #非农就业人数高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛 #美国5月CPI超预期回落
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What should you pay attention to if you are a newcomer to the cryptocurrency circle? God of Wealth gives a piece of advice to newcomers in the cryptocurrency circle: Don't rush to operate! Learn, learn, and learn again! As a newcomer in the cryptocurrency circle, it is understandable to hope to make investment profits from cryptocurrency trading, but there are some trading taboos that must be known. 1. Unwilling to study the market yourself If you only listen to the advice of experts in the crypto market, you may fall a lot. But if you are willing to learn and listen to the advice of experts, you can make better investment decisions on market issues. 2. Emotional investment, emotional investment 02 Let emotions control your trading decisions Letting emotions decide trading is a common way for newcomers in the cryptocurrency circle. Foreign exchange market experts have proved that emotionality will ruin your entire investment. Do you know that one of the factors that destroy traders' portfolios is "making decisions with emotions"? Never let emotions dominate your actions. 3. Eager to buy "cheap and unproven" altcoins. There are all kinds of "hundred-fold coins" recommended every day in WeChat groups and Moments, which is really enviable. Many leeks killed in without a little bit of defense. However, the final result is mostly being harvested. 4. Always worry about missing opportunities. Every time there is a big rise or fall, I feel itchy and regret not catching up with the opportunity. This emotion often encourages trading that chases ups and downs. There are new opportunities in the currency circle 24 hours a day. Therefore, relax your mentality and nerves and go into battle lightly. 5. All in your funds. When speculating in coins, it is very wrong to put all your eggs in one basket. Don't play with debt. Take out part of your idle funds and reasonably allocate your assets. 6. Go your own way and stick to one currency and one trend. In the currency circle, the experience summarized over the years is four words: follow the trend! Don't stick to one currency. If the trend is not right, turn around decisively. Don't go against the trend. It's better to be short than to blindly follow the trend. If this article is helpful to you, you might as well pay attention to the God of Wealth. If you have any questions that you don't understand, you need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and try to enter the circle #非农就业人数高于预期 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #币安合约锦标赛 #币安用户数突破2亿 #TopCoinsJune2024
What should you pay attention to if you are a newcomer to the cryptocurrency circle?

God of Wealth gives a piece of advice to newcomers in the cryptocurrency circle: Don't rush to operate! Learn, learn, and learn again!
As a newcomer in the cryptocurrency circle, it is understandable to hope to make investment profits from cryptocurrency trading, but there are some trading taboos that must be known.

1. Unwilling to study the market yourself
If you only listen to the advice of experts in the crypto market, you may fall a lot. But if you are willing to learn and listen to the advice of experts, you can make better investment decisions on market issues.
2. Emotional investment, emotional investment
02 Let emotions control your trading decisions
Letting emotions decide trading is a common way for newcomers in the cryptocurrency circle. Foreign exchange market experts have proved that emotionality will ruin your entire investment. Do you know that one of the factors that destroy traders' portfolios is "making decisions with emotions"?
Never let emotions dominate your actions.
3. Eager to buy "cheap and unproven" altcoins.
There are all kinds of "hundred-fold coins" recommended every day in WeChat groups and Moments, which is really enviable. Many leeks killed in without a little bit of defense. However, the final result is mostly being harvested.
4. Always worry about missing opportunities.
Every time there is a big rise or fall, I feel itchy and regret not catching up with the opportunity. This emotion often encourages trading that chases ups and downs.
There are new opportunities in the currency circle 24 hours a day. Therefore, relax your mentality and nerves and go into battle lightly.
5. All in your funds.
When speculating in coins, it is very wrong to put all your eggs in one basket. Don't play with debt. Take out part of your idle funds and reasonably allocate your assets.
6. Go your own way and stick to one currency and one trend.
In the currency circle, the experience summarized over the years is four words: follow the trend!
Don't stick to one currency. If the trend is not right, turn around decisively. Don't go against the trend. It's better to be short than to blindly follow the trend.

If this article is helpful to you, you might as well pay attention to the God of Wealth. If you have any questions that you don't understand, you need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and try to enter the circle
#非农就业人数高于预期 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #币安合约锦标赛 #币安用户数突破2亿 #TopCoinsJune2024
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Ten thousand bitcoins, a degree from Tsinghua University, a husband like Daniel Wu (or a wife like Liu Yifei), which one would you choose? God of Wealth chooses ten thousand bitcoins. Sell them immediately. Then spend the money of ten to buy a degree. Ninety of the remaining nine thousand nine hundred are exchanged for small apartments outside the middle ring and inside the outer ring of Shanghai. The rest of life is eating and drinking, and doing whatever you want. If you want to contribute to society, save a few months of rent, start a business, and provide some jobs. If you want to contribute to human scientific breakthroughs, save a few months of rent, and then invest in a few scientists. … Think about it, this kind of life is a good life. If you like God of Wealth's articles, you might as well follow God of Wealth. If you have any questions or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of Zhuye and try to join the circle #币安合约锦标赛 #TopCoinsJune2024 #非农就业人数高于预期 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变
Ten thousand bitcoins, a degree from Tsinghua University, a husband like Daniel Wu (or a wife like Liu Yifei), which one would you choose?

God of Wealth chooses ten thousand bitcoins.

Sell them immediately.
Then spend the money of ten to buy a degree.
Ninety of the remaining nine thousand nine hundred are exchanged for small apartments outside the middle ring and inside the outer ring of Shanghai.
The rest of life is eating and drinking, and doing whatever you want.
If you want to contribute to society, save a few months of rent, start a business, and provide some jobs.
If you want to contribute to human scientific breakthroughs, save a few months of rent, and then invest in a few scientists.

Think about it, this kind of life is a good life.

If you like God of Wealth's articles, you might as well follow God of Wealth. If you have any questions or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of Zhuye and try to join the circle
#币安合约锦标赛 #TopCoinsJune2024 #非农就业人数高于预期 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变
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How to make one million with 3,000 yuan in the cryptocurrency world? 3,000 yuan in the cryptocurrency world is about 400u! Recommended optimal solution: contract Use 100u each time, gamble on hot coins, and make sure to stop profit and stop loss 100 beats 200, 200 turns into 400, 400 turns into 800. Remember to do it at most three times! Because the cryptocurrency world requires a little luck, it is easy to make 9 times and burst once with such a full-handed game! If you pass the three levels with 100, then the principal will reach 1100u! At this time, it is recommended to use triple strategies. Two types of orders are made in one day, ultra-short orders and strategy orders. If the opportunity comes, then go for trend orders. Ultra-short orders are used for quick attacks and 15-minute orders. Advantages: high returns Disadvantages: high risks Only do big cake concubines The second type of order, strategy order, is to use a small position For example, 10 times 15u to do a contract of about four hours Save the profit and invest in big cake every week The third type, trend order Medium and long-term trading, go directly if you see it Advantages: more meat Find the right point Set a relatively cost-effective profit and loss ratio If this article is helpful to you, you may wish to pay attention to Caishen. During this period, Caishen is preparing to ambush several potential coins. Read the introduction of Zhuye and get on board without any threshold #非农就业人数高于预期 #合约挑战 #BTC☀ #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变
How to make one million with 3,000 yuan in the cryptocurrency world?

3,000 yuan in the cryptocurrency world is about 400u!
Recommended optimal solution: contract
Use 100u each time, gamble on hot coins, and make sure to stop profit and stop loss
100 beats 200, 200 turns into 400, 400 turns into 800.
Remember to do it at most three times! Because the cryptocurrency world requires a little luck, it is easy to make 9 times and burst once with such a full-handed game!
If you pass the three levels with 100, then the principal will reach 1100u!
At this time, it is recommended to use triple strategies.
Two types of orders are made in one day, ultra-short orders and strategy orders. If the opportunity comes, then go for trend orders.
Ultra-short orders are used for quick attacks and 15-minute orders.
Advantages: high returns
Disadvantages: high risks
Only do big cake concubines
The second type of order, strategy order, is to use a small position
For example, 10 times 15u to do a contract of about four hours
Save the profit and invest in big cake every week
The third type, trend order
Medium and long-term trading, go directly if you see it
Advantages: more meat
Find the right point
Set a relatively cost-effective profit and loss ratio
If this article is helpful to you, you may wish to pay attention to Caishen. During this period, Caishen is preparing to ambush several potential coins. Read the introduction of Zhuye and get on board without any threshold
#非农就业人数高于预期 #合约挑战 #BTC☀ #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变
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How many people around you actually own Bitcoin? My former college roommate bought one when it was over 300 and after my persuasion he finally sold it at 600 … Thank him for not scolding me He made 300 yuan if I remember correctly he treated us to a meal He was afraid that his brother would suffer, and that he would drive a Land Rover 😂 During this period, the God of Wealth was preparing to ambush several potential coins. Read the introduction of Zhuye, and get on board without any threshold #币安合约锦标赛 #非农就业人数高于预期 #TopCoinsJune2024 #美国5月CPI超预期回落
How many people around you actually own Bitcoin?

My former college roommate
bought one when it was over 300
and after my persuasion
he finally sold it at 600

Thank him for not scolding me

He made 300 yuan
if I remember correctly
he treated us to a meal

He was afraid that his brother would suffer, and that he would drive a Land Rover 😂
During this period, the God of Wealth was preparing to ambush several potential coins. Read the introduction of Zhuye, and get on board without any threshold
#币安合约锦标赛 #非农就业人数高于预期 #TopCoinsJune2024 #美国5月CPI超预期回落
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How do you view people who achieve financial freedom through Bitcoin? At the beginning of 2017, when Bitcoin was around 6,800, I bought two or three coins and played with leverage. . . I made a few hundred in two or three days. However, at this time, I basically had no intention to do anything else. I stared at the K-line chart every day, and I couldn't sleep well every night, for fear that I would lose all my money in one night. After all, this is a 24-hour market, and I really couldn't sleep well at night. After all, these few tens of thousands were all my belongings at the time, earned from various scholarships, not pocket money, so I was really tired, and I was busy with graduation, applying for a doctorate, and a lot of things. Later, I thought about it and sold them all. After all, the future is important, and I sleep well. Now I don't have any regrets. . . It's a lie to say that I don't regret it😭😭 If this article is helpful to you, then you might as well pay attention. During this period, the God of Wealth is preparing to ambush several ten-fold coins. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and get on board without any barriers #美联储何时降息? #欧洲杯开赛 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #非农就业人数高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛
How do you view people who achieve financial freedom through Bitcoin?

At the beginning of 2017, when Bitcoin was around 6,800, I bought two or three coins and played with leverage. . . I made a few hundred in two or three days.

However, at this time, I basically had no intention to do anything else. I stared at the K-line chart every day, and I couldn't sleep well every night, for fear that I would lose all my money in one night. After all, this is a 24-hour market, and I really couldn't sleep well at night. After all, these few tens of thousands were all my belongings at the time, earned from various scholarships, not pocket money, so I was really tired, and I was busy with graduation, applying for a doctorate, and a lot of things.

Later, I thought about it and sold them all. After all, the future is important, and I sleep well. Now I don't have any regrets. . . It's a lie to say that I don't regret it😭😭

If this article is helpful to you, then you might as well pay attention. During this period, the God of Wealth is preparing to ambush several ten-fold coins. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and get on board without any barriers
#美联储何时降息? #欧洲杯开赛 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #非农就业人数高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛
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How much money have you made in the cryptocurrency industry so far? When your currency account's one-day increase exceeds your monthly salary, you feel excited. When you go to work, you are already happily planning a dinner for the hospital in the evening. When the increase in your currency account in one day can exceed your salary in a year, you no longer feel excitement, but calmness, and you no longer want to eat a big meal. You just want to go home and have a meal as usual. A homely meal. On your way to get off work, at the Shiyu intersection, the afterglow of the setting sun shines on your face. You wait quietly for the red light and watch the people coming and going. You will have a sense of isolation and independence from the world. Feel. You don’t care anymore when someone is yelling at you randomly, you are not angry when someone is driving and saying goodbye to you, and you don’t seem to remember the appearance of the girl in your memory. During this time, the God of Wealth prepared to ambush several ten-fold coins. Read the introduction to the cooking industry and get started without any barriers #MegadropLista #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #美联储何时降息? #非农就业人数高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛
How much money have you made in the cryptocurrency industry so far?

When your currency account's one-day increase exceeds your monthly salary, you feel excited. When you go to work, you are already happily planning a dinner for the hospital in the evening.
When the increase in your currency account in one day can exceed your salary in a year, you no longer feel excitement, but calmness, and you no longer want to eat a big meal. You just want to go home and have a meal as usual. A homely meal.
On your way to get off work, at the Shiyu intersection, the afterglow of the setting sun shines on your face. You wait quietly for the red light and watch the people coming and going. You will have a sense of isolation and independence from the world. Feel. You don’t care anymore when someone is yelling at you randomly, you are not angry when someone is driving and saying goodbye to you, and you don’t seem to remember the appearance of the girl in your memory.

During this time, the God of Wealth prepared to ambush several ten-fold coins. Read the introduction to the cooking industry and get started without any barriers
#MegadropLista #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #美联储何时降息? #非农就业人数高于预期 #币安合约锦标赛
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It’s already 2024, is the cryptocurrency world still playable? From fans’ submissions: There are many people around me who have gone bankrupt, closed down, and are heavily in debt. They have sold their houses and cars and have nothing. However, there are also many people around me who have tens of millions of dollars. They basically don’t go to work anymore. They are playing around in Southeast Asia, Europe, America, or South America. I have two real friends, one with 400 million and the other with 700 million. They both went bankrupt on March 12, 2020, but one of them collected 50 million and the other collected 20 million. They all went all in on BTC at around 4,000 US dollars in March 2020. They are awesome, result-oriented, and wise after the event. They succeeded, super rich, super awesome, and super cool. Now it is 2024. God of Wealth, my advice to you is that you can still play now, but you have to know what coin you bought, what its technology is, what its principle is, what it can do, what its value is, what its application scenario is, or how many fools have a consensus on this coin, It solves the pain point of the market. If you buy this coin, when it falls, you will not panic, you can hold it, you don't have to worry, you can sleep well, and then the probability of success is high. Even if BTC falls by 80%, a valuable coin will rise back in a short time, and then double 10 times in a few months, because it has this value, while the worthless coin will fall by 99.9%, and then it will never rise again. Buy valuable coins, you will always be at the table, not leaving the table, having chips means you still have a chance, come on! If you want to know which are valuable coins, read the introduction of Zhuye, and get on board without any threshold #美联储何时降息? #MegadropLista #非农就业人数高于预期 #IO
It’s already 2024, is the cryptocurrency world still playable?

From fans’ submissions:
There are many people around me who have gone bankrupt, closed down, and are heavily in debt. They have sold their houses and cars and have nothing. However, there are also many people around me who have tens of millions of dollars. They basically don’t go to work anymore. They are playing around in Southeast Asia, Europe, America, or South America. I have two real friends, one with 400 million and the other with 700 million. They both went bankrupt on March 12, 2020, but one of them collected 50 million and the other collected 20 million. They all went all in on BTC at around 4,000 US dollars in March 2020. They are awesome, result-oriented, and wise after the event. They succeeded, super rich, super awesome, and super cool.

Now it is 2024. God of Wealth, my advice to you is that you can still play now, but you have to know what coin you bought, what its technology is, what its principle is, what it can do, what its value is, what its application scenario is, or how many fools have a consensus on this coin, It solves the pain point of the market. If you buy this coin, when it falls, you will not panic, you can hold it, you don't have to worry, you can sleep well, and then the probability of success is high. Even if BTC falls by 80%, a valuable coin will rise back in a short time, and then double 10 times in a few months, because it has this value, while the worthless coin will fall by 99.9%, and then it will never rise again.

Buy valuable coins, you will always be at the table, not leaving the table, having chips means you still have a chance, come on!
If you want to know which are valuable coins, read the introduction of Zhuye, and get on board without any threshold
#美联储何时降息? #MegadropLista #非农就业人数高于预期 #IO
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Why are there still so many people keen on speculating in cryptocurrencies? From a fan submission: I bought a pyramid scheme coin, Peony Coin, Wallet Coin I bought 1,000 and it became 5,000 after a few days, and then I added 5,000 principal. That means my principal was only 6,000. After about 10 days? The highest point became 180,000. If I sold it that day, I could sell it for at least 130,000 or 140,000. Damn, I actually believed the pyramid scheme leader (Northeast accent) and no one sold it. In the end, it seemed that I lost money? Because there is only so much money in the pool, if someone sells it, the unit price will go down and you will sell less. Alas I still remember clearly that it was the Dragon Boat Festival and I took my wife and children to watch dragon boat racing. I don’t touch the cryptocurrency circle now. I feel that I can’t make money. I generally lose money in the cryptocurrency circle. At first, I went to a copycat platform and lost tens of thousands in one night. Later, I came into contact with big platforms such as Huobi. I play with wallet coins, the so-called first-level market. The earliest shit coins must also be exchanged in pancakes. Do you think the coins on the exchange are the currency circle? Many coins were listed on the exchange after they became famous after being exchanged in pancakes. When I came into contact with Bitcoin, it was 5,000 US dollars. If this article is useful to you, then you might as well pay attention. During this period, Caishen is preparing to ambush several ten-fold coins. Read the introduction of the industry, no threshold to get on board #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #MegadropLista #IO #非农就业人数高于预期 #美联储何时降息?
Why are there still so many people keen on speculating in cryptocurrencies?

From a fan submission:
I bought a pyramid scheme coin, Peony Coin, Wallet Coin
I bought 1,000 and it became 5,000 after a few days, and then I added 5,000 principal. That means my principal was only 6,000. After about 10 days? The highest point became 180,000. If I sold it that day, I could sell it for at least 130,000 or 140,000. Damn, I actually believed the pyramid scheme leader (Northeast accent) and no one sold it. In the end, it seemed that I lost money? Because there is only so much money in the pool, if someone sells it, the unit price will go down and you will sell less. Alas
I still remember clearly that it was the Dragon Boat Festival and I took my wife and children to watch dragon boat racing.
I don’t touch the cryptocurrency circle now. I feel that I can’t make money. I generally lose money in the cryptocurrency circle. At first, I went to a copycat platform and lost tens of thousands in one night. Later, I came into contact with big platforms such as Huobi.
I play with wallet coins, the so-called first-level market. The earliest shit coins must also be exchanged in pancakes. Do you think the coins on the exchange are the currency circle? Many coins were listed on the exchange after they became famous after being exchanged in pancakes.
When I came into contact with Bitcoin, it was 5,000 US dollars.

If this article is useful to you, then you might as well pay attention. During this period, Caishen is preparing to ambush several ten-fold coins. Read the introduction of the industry, no threshold to get on board
#美国5月CPI超预期回落 #MegadropLista #IO #非农就业人数高于预期 #美联储何时降息?
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Why do some people say that Bitcoin can rise to 1 million? 10 years ago, Bitcoin was only a few hundred RMB. At that time, the currency circle shouted the widely circulated slogan of "one coin, one villa". Who dared to believe it at that time? Now it is 447,000 RMB per Bitcoin, which can be said to be basically realized. In rural areas and remote towns, hundreds of thousands of RMB can build a small villa. Before any Ponzi scheme collapses, everyone regrets not investing enough. After the collapse, everyone regrets not stopping earlier. You can never wake up a person who pretends to sleep, but it is enough to know that every penny earned in it is lost or about to be lost by others. Scarce? Bitcoin is limited, but the types of cryptocurrencies are unlimited. One day, the capital tycoons have cashed out and they can just switch to another cryptocurrency. If this article is useful to you, then you might as well pay attention. During this period, the God of Wealth is preparing to ambush several ten-fold coins. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and get on board without any barriers #第55期新币挖矿IO #IO #MegadropLista #美联储何时降息? #美国5月CPI超预期回落
Why do some people say that Bitcoin can rise to 1 million?

10 years ago, Bitcoin was only a few hundred RMB. At that time, the currency circle shouted the widely circulated slogan of "one coin, one villa". Who dared to believe it at that time? Now it is 447,000 RMB per Bitcoin, which can be said to be basically realized. In rural areas and remote towns, hundreds of thousands of RMB can build a small villa.

Before any Ponzi scheme collapses, everyone regrets not investing enough. After the collapse, everyone regrets not stopping earlier. You can never wake up a person who pretends to sleep, but it is enough to know that every penny earned in it is lost or about to be lost by others. Scarce? Bitcoin is limited, but the types of cryptocurrencies are unlimited. One day, the capital tycoons have cashed out and they can just switch to another cryptocurrency.

If this article is useful to you, then you might as well pay attention. During this period, the God of Wealth is preparing to ambush several ten-fold coins. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and get on board without any barriers
#第55期新币挖矿IO #IO #MegadropLista #美联储何时降息? #美国5月CPI超预期回落
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Several key messages from last night’s Fed meeting: 1⃣ The core CPI in the United States fell to a three-year low in May, lower than expected, and expectations for an interest rate cut have increased. 2⃣ The Federal Reserve kept interest rates unchanged for the seventh consecutive time, in line with market expectations. 3⃣ The dot plot predicts only one 25 basis point interest rate cut in 2024, and four rate cuts in 2025. 4⃣ The inflation rate has eased significantly, but it is still too high, and interest rates are not expected to be cut until inflation is sustainable towards 2%. 5⃣ It has not yet reached the stage of announcing an interest rate cut date, and monetary policy will be relaxed as appropriate in the future. The CPI in the United States was lower than expected, and the market immediately became excited again. It can only be said that the expectation management of the United States is too strong. However, it is obvious that the Fed still has no urgency to cut interest rates. Three important indicators: 1. Inflation still has not reached less than 3%. Even if the amount is advanced, there is still a long way to go from the promised 2%. 2. The unemployment rate has not increased significantly, and employment continues to show strong performance. 3. Not only is there no crisis in the financial system, there may also be overheating after excessive currency issuance. After all, no one thinks there is a bubble during the upsurge cycle, which is why financial clearing cycles always appear. Although Mr. Bao’s speech did not go as far as the market expected, it does not affect the overall situation! Risks and opportunities coexist in the currency circle. If you haven’t found the right team and leader, you might as well play with the God of Wealth through cooking pages and share free useful information and benefits with you. Remember, opportunities always leave to those who are prepared. . #美联储何时降息? #非农就业人数高于预期 #MegadropLista #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变
Several key messages from last night’s Fed meeting:

1⃣ The core CPI in the United States fell to a three-year low in May, lower than expected, and expectations for an interest rate cut have increased.
2⃣ The Federal Reserve kept interest rates unchanged for the seventh consecutive time, in line with market expectations.
3⃣ The dot plot predicts only one 25 basis point interest rate cut in 2024, and four rate cuts in 2025.
4⃣ The inflation rate has eased significantly, but it is still too high, and interest rates are not expected to be cut until inflation is sustainable towards 2%.
5⃣ It has not yet reached the stage of announcing an interest rate cut date, and monetary policy will be relaxed as appropriate in the future.

The CPI in the United States was lower than expected, and the market immediately became excited again. It can only be said that the expectation management of the United States is too strong. However, it is obvious that the Fed still has no urgency to cut interest rates. Three important indicators:

1. Inflation still has not reached less than 3%. Even if the amount is advanced, there is still a long way to go from the promised 2%.
2. The unemployment rate has not increased significantly, and employment continues to show strong performance.
3. Not only is there no crisis in the financial system, there may also be overheating after excessive currency issuance. After all, no one thinks there is a bubble during the upsurge cycle, which is why financial clearing cycles always appear.

Although Mr. Bao’s speech did not go as far as the market expected, it does not affect the overall situation!

Risks and opportunities coexist in the currency circle. If you haven’t found the right team and leader, you might as well play with the God of Wealth through cooking pages and share free useful information and benefits with you. Remember, opportunities always leave to those who are prepared. .
#美联储何时降息? #非农就业人数高于预期 #MegadropLista #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变
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What is it like to lose Bitcoin? In our work group, there is a 39-year-old man who looks close to 50. To be honest, my grandfather looks more energetic than him. It is said that the management was not strict in 2012, and he used the company server to mine when he was free. When he was found and questioned by the management department, he proved his innocence and said that he had no interest in this, just playing around, understanding new needs, and for the better development of the company in the future. He formatted the hard drive in a rage. How much did he lose? According to the peak price of Bitcoin, it should be worth billions. Then this guy became depressed, and this incident gave a bad impression to the leader, and he didn't have the energy to climb up. At the age of 39, he was still in his early 30s. When chatting, his old leader said that this guy said that this is fate. You can't get what you don't have in your destiny. #第55期新币挖矿IO #MegadropLista #美联储何时降息? #非农就业人数高于预期
What is it like to lose Bitcoin?

In our work group, there is a 39-year-old man who looks close to 50. To be honest, my grandfather looks more energetic than him.
It is said that the management was not strict in 2012, and he used the company server to mine when he was free. When he was found and questioned by the management department, he proved his innocence and said that he had no interest in this, just playing around, understanding new needs, and for the better development of the company in the future. He formatted the hard drive in a rage.
How much did he lose? According to the peak price of Bitcoin, it should be worth billions.
Then this guy became depressed, and this incident gave a bad impression to the leader, and he didn't have the energy to climb up. At the age of 39, he was still in his early 30s.
When chatting, his old leader said that this guy said that this is fate. You can't get what you don't have in your destiny.
#第55期新币挖矿IO #MegadropLista #美联储何时降息? #非农就业人数高于预期
See original
What is the most tragic thing you have seen in the cryptocurrency circle? Last November, a friend played contracts and opened 5 times more than 500,000 yuan with a principal of 500,000 yuan. The account peaked at 4.3 million yuan. Excluding the fees and handling fees and the part of spot hedging, the profit was a full 851%. If it were you at this time, what would you do? Most people would have stopped long ago, but he didn't. I heard from his wife that there was a small drop in the middle, and he didn't stop loss, and then it rebounded. At that time, the profit of the contract account had exceeded 900%. It should be that there were too many shorts, so he didn't care. Later, when it dropped a little, he didn't choose to stop loss. When his wife said 430, he stopped her with a slightly trembling voice to tell her about the situation. He was not particularly excited, and then stared at the screen, slowly calming down. Because of the contract, he had made less than 3 million yuan at the peak before, and then lost it again. After experiencing big storms, he would be very calm when encountering such a situation. He resolutely believed that it would reach 500, and wanted to wait until it broke through 500 before stopping, but the result was... . . . . Without hedging the contract position, a needle was ruthlessly inserted. . . . The account was left with only 80 to 90 in an instant. It was too late to close the position. . . . The ending should be known to everyone, bomb. . . The rest was that he held his head with both hands and was stunned for two minutes. His wife vaguely felt something was wrong. When she was about to ask him what was wrong, he rushed to the window sill and jumped down. . . . Fortunately, his house was on the third floor and his life was saved. But his legs were forever broken. I hope that the fans of Caishen will speculate rationally and avoid such things. If this article is useful to you, you might as well pay attention to it. Caishen is preparing to ambush some coins during this period. Zhuye Jianjie Lianxi me, take you on the bus without any threshold #第55期新币挖矿IO #MegadropLista #IO #美联储利率决策即将公布
What is the most tragic thing you have seen in the cryptocurrency circle?

Last November, a friend played contracts and opened 5 times more than 500,000 yuan with a principal of 500,000 yuan. The account peaked at 4.3 million yuan. Excluding the fees and handling fees and the part of spot hedging, the profit was a full 851%.
If it were you at this time, what would you do? Most people would have stopped long ago, but he didn't. I heard from his wife that there was a small drop in the middle, and he didn't stop loss, and then it rebounded. At that time, the profit of the contract account had exceeded 900%. It should be that there were too many shorts, so he didn't care. Later, when it dropped a little, he didn't choose to stop loss. When his wife said 430, he stopped her with a slightly trembling voice to tell her about the situation. He was not particularly excited, and then stared at the screen, slowly calming down. Because of the contract, he had made less than 3 million yuan at the peak before, and then lost it again. After experiencing big storms, he would be very calm when encountering such a situation.

He resolutely believed that it would reach 500, and wanted to wait until it broke through 500 before stopping, but the result was... . . . . Without hedging the contract position, a needle was ruthlessly inserted. . . . The account was left with only 80 to 90 in an instant. It was too late to close the position. . . . The ending should be known to everyone, bomb. . .

The rest was that he held his head with both hands and was stunned for two minutes. His wife vaguely felt something was wrong. When she was about to ask him what was wrong, he rushed to the window sill and jumped down. . . . Fortunately, his house was on the third floor and his life was saved.

But his legs were forever broken.

I hope that the fans of Caishen will speculate rationally and avoid such things.

If this article is useful to you, you might as well pay attention to it. Caishen is preparing to ambush some coins during this period. Zhuye Jianjie Lianxi me, take you on the bus without any threshold
#第55期新币挖矿IO #MegadropLista #IO #美联储利率决策即将公布
See original
GoPlus Security: Leading a New Era of Web3 Security As a practitioner who is deeply involved in the field of Web3 security, I recently had the opportunity to come into contact with an outstanding project called GoPlus Security. This project focuses on Web3 security and aims to provide users with the most reliable security protection. I was pleasantly surprised to find that this project was led by B Security and attracted the participation of many well-known institutions. You should know that B Security has always been very cautious in investing in Web3 security projects. This investment is undoubtedly a great recognition of GoPlus Security. GoPlus Security has not only been favored by capital, but more importantly, it has set a benchmark in the industry. As the world's largest security detection data agency, GoPlus Security provides contract security detection services for many well-known on-chain market software, such as UniSwap, MetaMask snaps, CMC, Coingecko, OperaCrypto, and OKX Wallet. This achievement not only demonstrates its strong technical strength, but also reflects its deep industry accumulation. It is worth mentioning that GoPlus Security is currently conducting an airdrop event. Users only need to complete relevant website tasks to get rich rewards. These tasks are very simple and all in Chinese, which is very friendly to the majority of Chinese users. However, in my opinion, even without the attraction of airdrops, GoPlus Security is worth a try. As a practitioner in the security industry, I am well aware of the importance of security. Using the services of GoPlus Security, we can check the security risks of our wallets in a timely manner, find problems and make rectifications, thereby ensuring the safety of our assets. In general, GoPlus Security is a Web3 security project worthy of attention and use. It not only has strong technical strength and deep industry accumulation, but also has been recognized and supported by well-known institutions such as B Security. I believe that in the future development, GoPlus Security will definitely become a leader in the field of Web3 security and bring us more secure and reliable services. #非农就业人数高于预期 #美联储何时降息? #第55期新币挖矿IO #美联储利率决策即将公布
GoPlus Security: Leading a New Era of Web3 Security

As a practitioner who is deeply involved in the field of Web3 security, I recently had the opportunity to come into contact with an outstanding project called GoPlus Security. This project focuses on Web3 security and aims to provide users with the most reliable security protection. I was pleasantly surprised to find that this project was led by B Security and attracted the participation of many well-known institutions. You should know that B Security has always been very cautious in investing in Web3 security projects. This investment is undoubtedly a great recognition of GoPlus Security.

GoPlus Security has not only been favored by capital, but more importantly, it has set a benchmark in the industry. As the world's largest security detection data agency, GoPlus Security provides contract security detection services for many well-known on-chain market software, such as UniSwap, MetaMask snaps, CMC, Coingecko, OperaCrypto, and OKX Wallet. This achievement not only demonstrates its strong technical strength, but also reflects its deep industry accumulation.

It is worth mentioning that GoPlus Security is currently conducting an airdrop event. Users only need to complete relevant website tasks to get rich rewards. These tasks are very simple and all in Chinese, which is very friendly to the majority of Chinese users. However, in my opinion, even without the attraction of airdrops, GoPlus Security is worth a try. As a practitioner in the security industry, I am well aware of the importance of security. Using the services of GoPlus Security, we can check the security risks of our wallets in a timely manner, find problems and make rectifications, thereby ensuring the safety of our assets.

In general, GoPlus Security is a Web3 security project worthy of attention and use. It not only has strong technical strength and deep industry accumulation, but also has been recognized and supported by well-known institutions such as B Security. I believe that in the future development, GoPlus Security will definitely become a leader in the field of Web3 security and bring us more secure and reliable services.
#非农就业人数高于预期 #美联储何时降息? #第55期新币挖矿IO #美联储利率决策即将公布
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