How much will 1 millibit be worth in the future?

Let's first popularize what units of Bitcoin include:

Bitcoins (BTC)

Cent (cBTC)

Milli-Bitcoins (mBTC)

Micro-Bitcoins (μBTC)

Satoshi (biti)

1 BTC = 100 cBTC = 1000 mBTC = 1 million μBTC = 100 million Satoshi.

According to the current price of 477,000 yuan per Bitcoin, 1 millibit is 470 yuan. Now 1 millibit is enough for us to go out for a hot pot, 10 millibits is the monthly salary of ordinary people in China, and 300 millibits is enough to buy a regular family car.

If the price of Bitcoin reaches 4.77 million RMB (660,000 USD) in 5 or 10 years, 1 millibit is 4,700 RMB, a hot pot meal only needs 0.1 millibit, the monthly salary of an ordinary person in China is equivalent to 1 millibit, an ordinary car only needs 30 millibit, and a house in a fourth-tier city only needs 200 millibit. If you have 1,000 millibit and keep it, you will definitely have no worries about food and drink for the rest of your life. You may think I am just making assumptions, but in 5 or 10 years, you will suddenly find that what I said today has become a fact.

Many years later, we will find that people don’t need too much money in their lives. One Bitcoin is enough.